Heartache on the big screen

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The beautiful roses that were supposed to be garnished on top of her head are now a wilted bouquet on top of her grave.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng

Beloved daughter

Beloved friend of many

Beloved fiance

The funeral passed by in a blur. It was like someone else was guiding my strings, but my mind was still working

I remember going through the funeral, listening to the reverend's passing words, returning the supportive hugs from family and friends, watching the casket get lowered into the ground, watching as they covered it back up with dirt and placing the bouquet of roses on top of her grave.

After the funeral was over and everyone left. I stayed behind. The tombstone mocked me.

'Beloved fiance'

The wedding was a week away. They've been looking and planning it for a year. It took him a month to work up the courage to ask her parents for their blessings. She had already bought her wedding dress that he knew she would've looked beautiful in. Her father was going to walk her down the aisle. She was so excited for her mother to see her beautiful dress too.

His figure blushing bride dressed in all white is now six feet under with a tombstone that didn't give her enough justice.

She wouldn't have thought so. Adrien can imagine her now, sitting in front of her grave and reading her tombstone, smiling at how loved she was, crying at how many she left behind. He could never understand how she could feel as many emotions at the same time.

Though standing here in front of her grave, he couldn't help but think of the irony of the situation. A tragic death of a bride close to her wedding date from an illness no one even knew she had.

This wasn't a soap opera where they later find out that she was poisoned. This was reality. So why was this happening to him?

He could hear her now in her melodic voice saying, "Everything happens for a reason, so no matter how tough life gets, don't give up."

A hand patted him on the back. As he was led away from the cemetery by his best friend, his mind stayed with her, his now ex-fiance.

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