Kiss the girl

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Honestly if he had known Alya had invited this many people, he never would've let Nino drag him to this party.

After 3 weeks of testing prep and study groups, midterms are finally over. But instead of taking the well desired nap back at his dorm room Nino decided to drag him out of his warm bed to Alya's dorm party. But pass his pounding headache from sleep deprivation, the party wasn't that bad.

Everyone that Alya had invited were from their AP classes so Adrien knew the people there. Well, everyone except for one girl who was sitting on the couch in the middle of all the action.

There you see her. Sitting there across the way

She don't got a lot to say but there's something about her

And you don't know why but you're dyin' to try

You wanna kiss the girl

The bluenette, Marinette he thinks her name is, is a recent transfer student from a school in China. She had become lab partners with Alya in her science class and they had become best friends ever since. Though since Adrien's and Alya's science classes are on different sides of the school he's never been able to meet her, instead he heard of her through the school gossip of a new transfer student.

When he had asked Nino what he had thought of her he said he hadn't met her yet. So this is Adrein's and Nino's first time meeting her, or rather seeing her.

"She's pretty cute.." She was the calm in the center of the storm that was this party, curled into herself with a book in her lap and a dreamy smile. It was obvious parties weren't her thing, but she seemed more like an at-home roommate than an uncomfortable party guest.

Yes, you want her. Look at her you know you do

Possible she want you too. There is one way to ask her

It don't take a word not a single word

Go on and kiss the girl

Everyone seemed like they were making it their mission to avoid her and since Alya and Nino were busy setting up the game, there's no harm in introducing himself right?

She jumped out of her skin when he tapped her shoulder, dropping her book on her lap. "Hey. Sorry to have surprised you."

"H-Hi. It's fine. I just didn't expect for anyone to want to talk besides Alya or Nino."

"Yeah sorry about them too." He sat down on the far end of the couch that her feet didn't reach. "They just don't know how to approach you."

"Right," she drawled out, "because I'm the new girl."

'"And because unlike them you don't seem to be enjoying the party. What wrong?"

Sing with me now:

Sha la la la la la

My oh my Look like the boy too shy Ain't gonna kiss the girl

Sha la la la la la

Ain't that sad? Ain't it a shame? Too bad

He gonna miss the girl

"I call dibs on Ariel!" Marinette and Adrien turned their attention towards where the outburst came from. Alya and Nino had finished setting up the game and picked Just Dance to play. The Little Mermaid characters Eric and Ariel were displayed on the screen before they pressed play, Alya as Eric and Nino as Ariel.

A crowd had formed around them as the song started, not that it stopped Marinette from giggling at the characters they decided to play as. "She's pretty cute when she's laughing too."

"Are they always this... what's the word?"

"Goofy?" They shared a laugh at that.

"No," she giggled. "Are they always this... couply?"

Adrien raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly to the side while trying to hold in a laugh, "I'm pretty sure 'couply' isn't a word. Nice try though."

Now's your moment. Floatin' in a blue lagoon

Boy, you better do it soon. No time will be better

She don't say a word and she won't say a word

Until you kiss the girl

"Shut up!" She laughed, a slight blush tinting her cheeks. Adrien smiled softly when he saw this. "You know you're awfully cute when you blush like that."

Her blush grew darker. "Heh, heh. I-I bet you say that to all the girls you meet." A teasing glint in her eyes before she looked away.

Adrien shrugged his shoulders, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as scratched the back of his head. "Do I honestly come across as that playboyish?"

Sha la la la la la

Don't be scared. You got the mood prepared

Go on and kiss the girl

Sha la la la la la

Don't stop now. Don't try to hide it now

How you want to kiss the girl

She looked back at him and looked him up and down before she smiled and the teasing glint came back to her eyes. "No, but you look like the kind of person who flirts without trying to."

He laughed, "Seriously? Well am I flirting now?"

"I think some people would consider this flirting."

"Would you?"

Sha la la la la la

Float along and listen to the song

The song says, "kiss the girl"

"Considering the way this conversation is heading, I'd say yes." Throughout the conversation neither realized that they were slowly leaning in towards each other.

Sha la la la la la

Music play Do what the music say.

You got to kiss the girl

You wanna kiss the girl

You've gotta kiss the girl

Go on and kiss the girl

"Hey, Adrien! Stop flirting with my friend over there and bring her over here so we can beat you guys butts at Prince Ali!" Alya was smiling at them with a hand on her hip and tossing the Wii remote up and down with the other. All the attention was on them.

Adrien leaned back and rolled his eyes, not really embrassed since he was used to her directfulness. Marinette's blush darken, just having met Alya two weeks ago and not being used to being the center of attention. He grabbed her wrist when he stood up.

"Come on. Let's go beat these guys at their own game." He looked back and smiled at her.

She looked up at him from her position on the couch, then to her wrist, then back to him. She smiled and let Adrien heave her up to her feet.

"I call Princess Jasmine."

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