✨Chapter 40✨

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I closed my eyes gently, as a warm kiss was felt on my cheek. He's.. so nice to me. How did he even know that I wasn't at my best during that time? Was I really that bad at hiding it?
Attempting to finally go to sleep, his deep caramel scent melted in my nose. It felt as if I were in heaven, in the perfect conditions to get lost in slumber.

  Izuku's POV

I felt something oddly warmth beneath me, as I blinked hard, though, not opening my eyes.

Using my hands, I carefully felt around, just to see the warm, yet comforting sensation. It felt as if it were hair that I just happened to grab. I'm assuming It's Kacchan, as we did sleep next to each other last night. I shrugged it off and wrapped my arms back around the person, though, I did start to get curious.

I opened my eyes, to be greeted to not blonde hair, but both red and white hair below me.

"S-Shocchan?" I gently said, shocked. He looked up with his messy hair, and such a cute, pure innocent face. 

"Hm? Oh, good morning, my love." Todoroki said with a calm and soothing voice. 

"What are you doing in here? I thought you slept on the couch? But, you said you didn't want to be touched! I'm touching you- oh! I'm-" My blabbering was interrupted by a kiss to my lower neck. "Shh.." 

"Would you like me to explain?" He asked. I nodded my head, embarrassingly from the non-stop blabbering I had just been doing.

"Last night, while you were sleeping. I woke up in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep, so I came in here. I was surprised that Bakugou was even awake, not to mention it was at least four in the morning. He was reading a book, so I hopped on top of him and curled into his lap, and well.. We had a good conversation about what had happened yesterday. It was an interesting, yet relieving conversation. Long story short, we solved the whole issue and he offered me to sleep in here, so, I did. Also, I apologize for my rudeness yesterday. In the moment, I was really just scared and didn't want any comfort, as I wanted to be alone." Todoroki calmly, yet peacefully explained.

"I- I forgive you, Shocchan. Don't worry, I should've read the room.. heh." I laughed awkwardly. "Now, enough of this. We have to get on the road so we can get back to the house.. After all, Isn't it my pretty boy's birthday tomorrow? We wouldn't want to be here for it." He gave a bright smile to me.

"S-Stop that! Don't tease me." I pouted, looking away and tightening my grip around him. "Don't pretend that you don't like being called that. Or, would you rather me call you my pretty slut?" Todoroki tilted his head.

"W-WAH! Get off me, stupid pervert!" I practically pushed him beneath my grip and off of the bed. He groaned loudly, though, it was followed by a loud chuckle.

"Fuck you." I mumbled to myself. "Aren't you the bottom? I'm supposed to fuck you." Todoroki responded. "Nope, goodbye. You are so done, I'm done." I hopped off the bed, carefully, walking out the room. He whined, "Izuuu~! Don't go- at least help me up!"  

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