Meanwhile in the Med bay.

"The barrier is down, you can go back to your homes, scouts have already reported that every ghoul and any trace of what could be a ghoul, has been eradicated, you're all safe." Roman explained as he looked at the mystics he had  just helped, they were all wary of going out there and facing danger, but the only danger out there was facing the world again. "Thank you, witch of life." A small voice thanked Roman and as he looked down, it was a young banshee boy, he had come in with his mother and explained their predicament. "You're welcome Delain." The witch replied as he ruffled the kid's hair, Roman knew that even when there was peace, there would always be people who harmed others for the sake of vengeance that was never theirs to be given to, just like Delain who had been the target of independent mystics who wanted to hurt his father, but his father had abandoned them and fled, he wouldn't be hurt anymore though, he had made sure to make his attackers casualties of war.

As Roman waved them off he turned back to face another batch of mystics that had finished healing. "Front doors to your left, have a good day." Marie stated as she looked at Roman after, they both smiled at each other as he walked toward her. "You did well." She surmised and he shrugged it off. "These people, they shunned us, expected us to perish, now they look to us like gods because we did what they couldn't, I don't like the feeling but I'd rather they do that, forget we exist as they fall back into the mundane ways of their lives, my life will be peaceful then." Roman answered as he walked into the private wing of the med bay where the next inlines were along with the mistress, she who led the coven.

"Do you think they will forget, witch of life, the events that took place, I my self can't forget them, Allen, Marc, Vincent, Allysa, Thalia, and you, all of you have earned your titles, in your case another one, do you really think they can forget that in their most dire need, you were there to save them, I sure won't." She stated as she looked at Ember, she was recovering perfectly, her vital signs were strong, and soon, she would be out of the pod. "Whether they forget or not is debatable but I know the people of the bay, we are just a consequence of events that happened, so let's not make a big deal out of it, and as for you mistress, your daughter will be fine." Roman asserted as he looked at the woman, her blonde her shining in the sun. "I know she will, you've saved her." She reassured as Roman bowed slightly and turned to face Marie. "The rest that need healing, are an easy fix, I'm going home, with my mate, you can handle things right?" He asked the woman and she nodded shooing him away, as Roman left Marie faced the mistress, she seemed more at peace than ever. "So your plan worked?" Marie stated and the woman chuckled. "I could never put it past you not to figure it out." The mistress replied as Marie sat next to her. "I saw the resurgence happen a few years ago, and no one could save us, not even the whole coven, Halkrest became a desolate land, so I set out to find children with the most potential in the coven, who could truly be what we needed, salvation, and Roman was the first one, then Marc, then the twins, they were powerful and had more potential than I ever had, for a witch to thrive they must be faced with the worst of situations, be put in situations of dire adversity and they will bloom, into something beautiful." She explained and Marie sighed. "But at what cost, you lost a son." She argued and the woman nodded. "Aye, but madness had touched my son, him being saved was beyond anyone so I used him I admit it, I used him as an instrument in a greater plan, the sacrifice of one, saved many, if I hadn't done so, we would all be dead and the world in peril." She replied with a conviction Marie knew all too well, the conviction of a mother willing to do anything to save her children, and honestly, she would have done the same if she knew. "For what its worth, I would've done the same." Marie mumbled as she got up and left.

Thorne house.

"Dad, papa, this is my mate Amon." She finally did it, she finally introduced him, the right way this time. "So you're the boy whose been going around with my daughter, claiming her without my permission." Pops spoke first terrifying Amon who looked to Thalia for help but she couldn't help, she was in deep water herself. "Come on in Amon, he's acting as if he didn't get me pregnant with Yasmine before he asked for permission." Dad intervened and Thalia was almost grateful. "Honey, I'm trying to be cool and scary." Pops whined as they walked into the house. "Try that for another day sweetie, I can just castrate him now and we be over with it." Dad replied as his mate grinned, that's why Thalia was almost grateful, her dad was the sinister witch.

"But not before we have dinner, you've both been through a lot, come on in, and Amon, thank you for taking care of my baby girl." Pops stated as he walked away to get Iris Ahana Thorne who was wailing, and Thalia knew, those few words from pops meant a lot to Amon, and even if he didn't know it, they had accepted him into their family. So as they ate dinner, the vampire came to find peace, with a whole new family, and two little brothers to spoil. They had survived and now peace had come back, it would take time to rebuild , but with time, and a lot of effort, they would thrive again.



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