"But now more than ever we need your help, the awakening has begun, they will kill our friends and family, like they did before, they hurt us and eat our very souls for sustenance, Roman, any power we can get to make sure our families and friends live, we will do anything to get it, and that means you, your coven, your mate, the hybrid, all of it." Briar asserted and Roman nodded as he sat down. "I cannot make the decision whether or not we help you, but I've made my stance clear." He concluded as Lex looked into his eyes, they burned with love. "I'm sorry Ember, Kyren, Briar, my mate won't risk the lives of her people, therefore I cannot join your alliance, the vampires are protected and that is all I need." Amon spoke finally, as he knew what Thalia had wanted, before this council meeting, a friend of Kay's had attacked him, and the witch had burned him to oblivion, she made herself clear than crystal that the vampires would stay in their territory protected, and if anyone disobeyed that order, they would know her wrath, and because Amon was a good boy, he listened to his queen.

"Amon please, don't do this." Ember begged. "Any of the independent vampire families who wish to join their clan, now is the time to do so, I won't open the  gates again." Thalia announced looking at the vampires, some of them ran straight into the portal, some stayed, that wasn't Thalia's problem now. "The wolves will not join you, and the pack has no independents therefore they're all protected, we are your outcasts Ember, this is what you made us into, we aren't self sacrificial and we definitely are not powerless, goodbye." Marc stated without room for argument as he took his mate's hand and vanished, Roman was by Lex's side in an instant and vanished with him aswell. A yellow portal opened in the council room and Vincent walked out from it, his presence regal, as any high born witch, he was surprised that the mystics in the room didn't look away in disgust like they did before, he scoffed and turned to Amon. "The killings have begun, Kaden's siblings and the lower ghouls have risen." He whispered low enough only that the vampire heard him. "You might want to start preparing Ember, they have risen." Amon announced as he stood up from his seat, took Thalia's hand in his and they walked through the portal Vincent had come from.

~|• Wolf Territory.

"Incendia." Roman cast the spell as fire burned away the lower ghouls, they just kept on coming, barraging the barrier Marc had created, but the more they tried to get past the barrier, Marc's magic either destroyed them or absorbed them making the barrier stronger. "They just keep coming." Roman mumbled next to Allysa who just looked on at the ghouls with anger swirling in her eyes. "You knew, and you didn't tell me because you wanted to spare my feelings." She finally broke the silence and Roman sighed. "It was a crude way but that's the only way we could've helped you, he had enchanted you and if we hadn't found a way to break you away from him, I wouldn't have forgiven myself." The golden haired witch explained and the girl beside him sighed. "I always bring trouble to you guys, I'm sorry." She sadly muttered and Roman shushed her. "Hush now, you've never brought trouble to us, we are just unlucky with these things, don't blame yourself for it, and look on the bright side, you got that whole package as compensation for whatever shitty things you might've experienced later or might've gone through already." Roman comforted as he gestured to Danton the vampire, he waved back at them with a dashing smile. "Goddess he's thick, I can see it all the way from here." Roman joked and Allysa smacked his arm laughing. "Now that's what I want to hear, laugh, you deserve to be happy, in whatever form it comes in." He added and she hugged him again as they looked at the dark sky, Roman hoped this would be over soon.

"So, I hear you did the do with him, I have to say he's good looking, but that body completes him." The witch began again and Allysa giggled like a school girl. "I needed to forget, and Goddess he made me forget and now remember things." She confessed as the two giggled again. "Ventus—." Roman cast the spell and paused. "We are trying to talk about boys here!" He yelled as the spell blasted away the lower ghouls. "Hhm, I like the sound of that, so have you decided to keep on forgetting." The witch teased and Allysa looked back to Danton. "Gurl, you know I am." She confessed and they both burst out laughing. "Roman!" Kay yelled in the middle of the hoard, he couldn't get close though, as the lower ghouls protected him. Allysa also turned to face the now man she had fallen for so easily. "Did you think changing the spell wouldn't work in my favour?!" Kaden yelled as he sent a bolt of black lightning into the sky. "No!" Roman yelled as up above a dark cloud began to gather then release a wave of magic that blasted everyone, the barrier was still intact but they had all been knocked out, even the caster of the spell himself. Roman coughed as he staggered to his feet, what had the psychopath done.



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