37 | A Gust Of Pitch Black

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Chase asked the sobbing girl beneath Clare.

As he continues to stare at the pitiful lass, he spots a shadow floating above Riley's body. He squinted his eyes, hoping that he could manage to shape the peculiar gust of pitch black; yet, he failed, for he averted his attention to the crying girl at the very moment she weakly stood up.

With hands enveloping her bleeding eyes, she weeps, "I don't want to go down there. You know what I'm talking about. We've been there together, Chase!"

The boy's eyebrows met. A gush of guilt blows against his heart.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he hesitantly whispers and yet, the gust of guilt he earlier felt started to fade, for he instead felt enraged, "If hell's what you're trying to avoid, why would you attach yourself to someone who shot you?!"

As he spoke the last sentence, Clare's heart fell from the thread it was hanging from. Chase immediately saw the pained expression on her face.

"You're attached to me?" Clare asks, "So when I die because of someone else, you'd go down there?" as she reluctantly questions, her tone gradually increased its volume, "And then what? When I die because of you, you'd go up? Is that what you were trying to do to me?!"

Chase vigorously shook his head. He wants to deny every fact Clare stated but at that moment, there's no point of rebuttal. At that moment, he can't obliterate what he had stated, even though he deeply wanted to.

Out of defeat, tears slowly shed from his eyes yet, Clare's pained expression remains. The shadow that hovered above Riley's body became motionless, and so did the still girl who's inerted in front of Chase and Clare.

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