36 | You're Not Real

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A CRIMSON RED SPLUR OF WINE enveloped the rug that's placed below the coffee table. Empty wine bottles were scattered everywhere. Neither the dirty clothes and broken glass are making everything else appealing. Only the lass laying upside down on her undone bed was complementing the rug's stain; for the liquid on her skin matched its color.

Three gentle knocks slowly echoed through the entire room. The door creeks open and a nineteen-year-old Jake Florence peeked through the small gap.

His eyes were used to this oh-so-familiar canvas; a mother's blood ridden eyes numbly staring back at him. Even a dog's guilty stare contained more emotions than what the lass gave.

"Mom," Jake sturdily spoke, "Can you  fucking stop drinking? Do you have a death wish or something?!"

The guilt of yelling at his mother was deeply evident in his voice. At the same time, his mother guiltily ignores it. Instead, she sat up; grabbing a nearly empty bottle of wine, only to pour it in an overly used shot glass.

"Just try one shot," she jeered; emotionless.

The boy's Adams Apple shook. Tears wanted to fall off the cliff of her eyes. His thoughts questioned as to why his mother has to go through this. Out of all the people in the world, why her?

He hurriedly took the shot from the innocent lass, who hoped for a happy ending she now yearned upon, only to understand the pain his mother went through.

"Addicting, right?"

He nods.

"Come here. Can't my own son give me a hug?"

He nods again; stilled on his position.

"You're not real."

He gulps after he whispered; still frozen on his position.

"You're dead."

Reassuring himself felt like it was the right thing to do; for him, that is.

"So stop all of this."

The tear that earlier wanted to fall, had crawled down the boy's cheek. His brows met and his chest heeved before he begged that this is the last time they will see each other.


Burning BetrayalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon