34 | Collar Bone

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HER VOICE STARTED LAUGHING LOUDLY. The black pigment that surrounded everyone faded back into Clare's room and, the crimson red blood from Riley's position was becoming visible.

Chase tightened his hug with Clare but, when she opened her eyes, she saw blood seeping out of Cedric's collar bone. Then, the laughing abruptly silenced.

"You think that affects me?!" the girl shouts; the walls vibrating from her sharp tone.

The gun fell from Riley's hand for she suddenly felt weak, yet she managed to reply back, regardless of the shot in her chest.

"It w-won't," she caughs, "b-but I know it will towards y-your little puppet."

Cedric's left shoulder leaned forward, although the girl from within didn't feel any pain. The man's eyes widened when the body's heartbeat started to fasten.

"No! Stay up," the girl yells once again. The hands of the body she's in shakily covered the hole on its shoulder, "Listen to me, stay up!" yet Cedric gave in.

He sloppily fell onto the floor with tears aimlessly trailing down the sides of his face.

"Move!" she orders, yet the limbs of the man were getting difficult to control; his heart merely beats half-a-second apart.

Clare was frozen as her thoughts were reminding her of the incident where Chase last went through her body. When she gazed at the boy behind her, his eyes were closed shut. Even tears that crave to fall were being trapped.

"I'm sorry," he whispers as he slightly loosened his embrace, enough for the girl's elbows to move freely, "I'm s-sorry about R-riley..."

"No!" the suffering body on the floor managed to shout, "No! No!" the tears that he shed seemed like it belonged to the soul from within, "No! No. No..."

The girl left Cedric's body. The lifeless boy was struggling to even open his eyes.

"N-no," she whispers, "Why?" as she slowly descended onto floor, "Why d-don't you want me to come with you?" her hands covered the tears that fell onto her left eye and blood that fell onto the right, "I don't want to go d-down there..."

Chase's eyes widened and so did Clare's. As both their gaze averted towards the crying lass, the boy hesitant asked, "What do you mean?"

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