28 | The Truth Untold

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"YOU BEG FOR MERCY," a female's voice whispered, "yet you had none of that when you pierced a bullet through my head."

Chase can clearly hear glass breaking as he assumed that was the bottle the girl was holding onto earlier. It seemed that it broke onto the pavement but he can't figure out if it really did due to the white fog that's covering his sight.

A light post then opened, causing Chase to cover his eyes for it is too bright for his naked eye to handle. The white pigment suddenly turned into rain cloud grey as it hovered above his head. Thunderclaps echoed as raindrops momentarily stuck onto the boy's skin.

As his gaze wanders, his eyes fixated on the same girl standing in the middle of the road with the similar tall lad aiming a gun towards her. Her eyes begged for mercy yet the tears of the man screamed for apologies. Chase stared at the two as they stood there, frozen still — as if they were statues in a museum.

"I know you recognized me," her voice whispers once more but as Chase's eyes roamed, he spotted the girl's lips moving, "Because, behind the mask that you wore that night, I immediately knew who you were."

Two loud thunderclap-like sounds echoed through the background. Before Chase knew what was going on, the girl fell to the ground. Her hands hovered above her head and eyes.

"And I was in disbelief when you shot me—"

The tall lad slowly moved forward, taking tiny steps as the gun yet points at the girl. He clicked the trigger and another thunder-like sound echoed.

"—three times."

The man kneeled as he took deep breaths like he just got back through his body as he was now able to move. He rashly lets go of the gun. His hand shakingly trailed onto his face only to remove the mask he was wearing and Chase's eyes widened.

"I... I didn't... Want to shoot you..." Cedric cried, "It was not my... My intention in the first place..."

Footsteps. Running footsteps was then heard as tiny rocks hugged the sole of someone's shoes. At that moment, the tall lad ran farther away until darkness enveloped his body — leaving the lifeless girl alone.

A pair of widened eyes and a shocked heart enclosed Chase yet every aspect of his body malfunctioned when he saw a body similar to his running towards the girl — when he saw the tall lad coming back as he shot the back of the head of the crying boy he recognized as himself.

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