"Max, what did you do? I thought your suspension was over? Why is he here?" Marcus asks, looking at Gavriil before looking at Max, and then looking back at Gavriil.

     The atmosphere was tense, but after a while, Max suddenly bursts out in laughter, making everyone, even Gavriil, look at him with confusion.

     "Max?" Marcus asks with a concerned look, but Max ignores him as he looks at the guards to tell them, "Stand down. He's my important guest."

     The guards were surprised and immediately steps away from Gavriil. After apologizing to Max and Gavriil, they head back to their stations.

     "I apologize for the intense welcome. Guards don't usually block the entrance whenever someone comes," Max jokingly says as he approaches Gavriil who was wearing a plain white shirt that matched with his black ripped jeans and converse.

     "It's fine," Gavriil replies before walking inside. "I'm kinda used to it at this point."

     Étienne bows to greet him, followed by the two maids who were standing on the side. Marcus, on the other hand, crosses his arms and walks closer to Gavriil like the overprotective brother that he is.

     "What is the meaning of this? What are you doing here?" He asks as he looks at him from head to toe, silently judging him.

     Gavriil clears his throat and suddenly bows at Marcus before saying, "Good evening. I'm here to take Leigh to dinner."

     Marcus was caught off guard. He wasn't expecting to hear that kind of answer at all. "I'm sorry...what?"

     Max chuckles and pushes his brother away. "You don't have to ask permission from him."

     "I wasn't asking for permission," Gavriil confidently says.

     Marcus was about to do something, but Étienne immediately grabs him by the collar and pulls him away from Gavriil and Max. "Is that so? Then drive safely," Étienne says, making Marcus look at him with a deadly glare.

     "What are you talking about? I'm coming with them," Marcus suddenly declares.

     "Don't be an idiot," Max says before looking at the maids. "Can you please get my wallet and phone in my room? It's at the side table beside my bed."

     One of the maids nods her head and runs upstairs. While Max is waiting, Marcus escaped from Étienne's hold and faces Gavriil again to tell him, "Why are you eating dinner with him? Where are you taking him? I know you Gavriil. We were classmates for a year and a half, and I know for a fact that you don't take people out just to eat dinner. You're not a gentleman."

     "Why? You're not the gentleman type either, isn't that right? If I remember correctly, I'm not the one who made Cindy cry when—" before Gavriil could even finish his sentence, Marcus immediately covers his mouth and starts laughing out of nowhere.

     "Did I tell you that you look extra handsome today? Well, enjoy your dinner with my dear baby brother," Marcus suddenly says instead. He then leans close and whispers, "I hope you choke while you're at it."

    Marcus finally lets go of Gavriil, and before Max could even start questioning him about Cindy, the maid arrives and hands Max his wallet and phone.

     "Thank you. Now, shall we go?" Max asks, and Gavriil nods his head and gestures at the exit.

     Max heads out first, and just before Gavriil could follow, Marcus looks at him again and mouths the words, "you're dead if you do anything funny."

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Where stories live. Discover now