"I love you too, baby."

They mean their words with every bit of them. They're becoming young adults, unsure of many things in their lives right now. But one thing they are sure of is the warmth in their chest for one another.

By 2:30 in the morning, Namjoon and Malia are asleep again; naked and lightly snoring against each other. At 11, Malia wakes up to use the bathroom and has to push him off of her. She puts on his shirt and goes to pee.

When she's finished and washes her hands, she opens the door and she bumps into him. He smiles down at her before kissing her good morning. She moves off to the side so he can use the bathroom. While she's sitting in his room, she remembers the earlier hours of the morning.


Oh, how the thought makes her giddy. She smiles to herself as she thinks about it. Namjoon comes back into the room and tackles her onto the bed.

"Ow. Namjoon, you're heavy. How many times I gotta tell you that?" She laughs as he kisses her face and neck. He makes sure that she's up by tickling her until she can't breathe. She punches him in his chest and he grabs it and hisses.

"Why you hit so hard? I was about to make you breakfast. Now I'm not doing it."

"No, I'm sorry. Come on, please."

"Nah. You can make it yourself." He says as he stands up. She pulls him back down and gets on top of him.


He pokes the inside of his cheek trying not to smile as she pins him to the bed. "Nah, get off me. You're being mean as hell."

She smacks her teeth. "Stop being a baby. I said I was sorry."

"Me? A baby?" He laughs. "You were the one crying a couple hours ago." He jokes and her smile slowly drops. She forgot that he had to leave tonight.

"Because I don't want you to go." She speaks softly.

He sits up and holds her close to him. "Malia. I. have. to come. home. I'm not gonna leave you and I'm coming back to you, baby. Just trust me."

He knows that it's a big ask given their track record but it shouldn't be for this. This... he really will stick to.


"I'll call you every night before I go to sleep and I'll text you every morning when I get up. I promise."

"You better not break it."

"I won't."

"If you do, I'm telling your-."

He covers her mouth to muffle her words as he pushes her off of him. "Shut up. I'm burning your waffles when I make them." He stands up to her their shower stuff. "Since you want to be funny and shit."

"I'm getting in first." She snatches it out of his hand and runs to the bathroom. He laughs when she shuts the door. Midas pokes his head out from the living room.

"Y'all good now?"

"Yeah. We're fine."

"Better be. All that damn noise y'all was making last night."

Namjoon's eyes widen and Midas starts laughing.

"I don't know how quiet y'all thought y'all were, but uh uhn. These beds are loud as fuck if you don't switch them screws out.

"Please don't tell her that. She'll be so embarrassed."

"I won't. You are not safe at all, though. Do you know how deep your voice got? That is crazy." Midas eggs him and he rolls his eyes.

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