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Malia is pushing buttons I didn't even know I had. The crazy part is, I don't know if she's doing it on purpose or not. First, she went to hang out with Xavier again after I told her ass not to.

Then she responded to some dude's DM right in my face while she was laying on my chest. Now she chatting up some boy after the game we just had.

If pissed off was a person, it'd be me.

"Hey, Namjoon."

I stop walking and freeze and at the sound of Raeya's voice.

She's been blocked since Malia brought her up the last time. That day in her room, I really did block her. I've been able to force her out of my mind since then.


"You blocked me... on Instagram?" Raeya asks as she moves to stand in my view.

"I did." I confirm.

My heart feels like it's beating out of my chest.

"..why?" She wonders. Her eyes swim with confusion.

"Because I-.."

"Namu?" Malia calls as she walks out of the locker room.

Raeya turns her head to look at her at the same time that I do. My heart beats even faster. Malia looks between us, faltering in step.

Hesitantly, I hold my hand out for her, hoping that she'll take it.

"Oh..." Raeya says. "I see." She nods as she crosses her arms. "A crush."

Malia walks over slowly, unsure of what she's stepping into.

"You'll be over it one day." Raeya says, just to me. "I'll give you some more time."

Malia slides her fingers in between mine and I stare at her so I don't have to look at Raeya. The woman looks Malia up and down before walking away.

"What was that about?" Malia wonders, looking up at me.

I shake my head. "Nothing", I tell her softly. "Let's get out of here. I'm sweaty."

"Yeah, you could use a bath... or two."

We walk out of the building and down the steps. We don't say much else until we get to the suite building.

She lets me know that she's coming upstairs after she showers. I tell her that's fine, I'll be waiting for her.

Midas is already in the suite when I get up there. I can tell by the sound of his shower running and the bass of his JBL speaker.

I jump in the shower and run my hands over my body to spread the water. I tend to do a lot of my thinking while I'm in here. Lately, it's been revolving around Malia.

Everything about her is so inviting. I want her around all the time. She hangs out with me as much as she can and vice versa. Even though we both have a lot of practicing and schoolwork, we still spend time together. We've been doing it together the last week.

I just want to be around her always. Is that crazy to say? That she makes me feel... better? That I feel... safe?

'Safe' feels like the right word... but it also feels like the wrong word. I don't want to have to use 'safe'. So why is the word I'm looking for... 'safe'?

I splash water in my face, letting it roll my cheeks, taking the hot tears with it.

As I wash my body, I look up at the ceiling, willing them to stop. I've cried enough about this. I'm done with it. It's gone. There's no reason to cry about it any further.

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