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"What you gonna be for Halloween? You gotta do something to knock these bitches dead. You're a Captain."

"A log. I'm going to lay here and sleep the whole day. I'm exhausted."

"This better not have anything to do with him."

"It doesn't." Malia states.

It doesn't have anything to do with him directly. Since the night that he apologized, her mind won't shut off. It's been playing what he said to her on a loop.

She contemplated forgiving him because he didn't know that his friend was going to humiliate her. But then she remembered that she was a bet in the first place. A joke. A source of mocking laughter to him and his friends.

Even if he never laughed with them, he helped them make her the punchline.

"I think that you should forgive him." Janae says over the phone and Malia looks at her.

"For what? I thought you hated him. Don't get soft on me now."

"I do. And that's why I'm telling you to forgive him. It's for you, not him. It's more of like a formality. You're carrying the pain associated with him like you never got closure for it. Now that you have it, you can close that chapter of him in your life.

"I'm not saying you have to be his friend. But you can start to heal so that being around him isn't painful. That way, you can actually be as nonchalant about his presence as you currently pretend to be." Janae concludes.

"Okay. Because hold on. I never said I was pretending. I do not care about that boy being in my face."

"As you so graciously pointed out a few weeks ago, we've been friends for six years. Pick a different bitch to lie to."

Malia laughs as Janae looks at her. She never could get over on her.

"Now back to the original topic. Halloween costume."

"I don't want to be anything super flashy. I know I'm captain and I need to show out sometimes. But can't I do something simple? Sexy and simple? That's a thing?"

"Yeah. Why don't you go for one of the classics then? Sexy Ninja or Playboy Bunny." She suddenly gasps and Malia looks at her like she's crazy.

"Girl, what? Breathing like you're about to die."

"Y'all should throw your own party. I know what you're going to say but think about it. You're friends with the fraternity you'd need the house for and it'd be your party! You control all of it, Malia. Every aspect."

Malia thinks it over while she gets ready for her first class of the day. As she walks down the halls, she takes in Janae's words. She wouldn't feel cornered if she was the one throwing it.

She knows that the girls would back her as well if anything happened. And even though she's still iffy about men, she knows that the frat line of the basketball team would assist.

By the time she gets to class, her mind is made up. She's going to ask Tyrell to use the fraternity house for the dance team's party.


"Hey, LiaLia. How you feeling today?" Tyrell asks as she walks into the classroom.

"I'm okay. I got better sleep last night so we're off to a good start."

"Good. You hungry? I got a parfait." He takes it off of Namjoon's desk to give it to her.

"Yes. And thank you." She says as she reaches over to take it from him. "I have a question."

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