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+Simple Things-Miguel+


As conversation picks up, Malia excuses herself to go to the bathroom. Mrs. Kim directs her up the stairs and she jogs up to hurry. She uses the bathroom and washes her hands.

While she's drying them on the paper towel, somebody knocks on the door.

"I'm in here."

"Hurry up."

She rolls her eyes at the sound of Namjoon's voice. Malia unlocks the door and opens it. He's standing in the doorway.

"How are you going to tell me to hurry up and then stand in my way?" She asks and he ignores her question as he looks at her.

"You look good." He licks his lips and her eyes bounce to them as he gently grabs her by the hips. He pulls her closer and her mind kind of pauses.

"You told me that already."

He looks at her lips as she talks.

"Mm hm. Gimmie a kiss." His lips brush hers as she pokes them out for him. Malia's heart flutters when they kiss.

He leans and pecks her neck twice before she goes back downstairs. He watches her as he goes into the bathroom. When she goes back down, she sits on the couch and watches the TV.

Namjoon comes back down shortly after to find Mrs. Ward is in the kitchen. He goes over to get paper towel and Mrs. Ward looks at him. She wets a napkin and hands it to him.

He gives her a curious look.

"Lip gloss." She says and his lips drop to an 'o'. He wipes the gloss off and throws the napkin away. He turns back to her mother.

"I'm sorry."

He's not sure what exactly he's apologizing for. He's not sorry for kissing Malia. He's probably going to do it again at some point. He realizes that it might have seemed disrespectful given the current family friendly setting.

"Don't apologize. Just take care of her while y'all out there. You're young. You make mistakes, you learn from them. Don't mess up twice. I don't know if I'll forgive you for a second time." She gives him a knowing look but a soft one.

She knows. Of course, she knows. She's Malia's mother. Why wouldn't she?

"I'd never hurt her that way again."

Her mother nods and then goes back to her task. Namjoon walks out of the kitchen and goes into the living room. He sits with Malia on the couch putting a little bit of distance between then.

He looks over at her as she watches the TV.

"You're making it obvious. Stop staring at me."

"Your mom just handed me a wet napkin to wipe your gloss off my lips so."

Malia whips her head in his direction. He continues to talk anyway.

"We're caught. I don't think that we can get any more obvious than that."

"Caught? There's nothing to catch. We're friends who kissed a few times." Malia whispers.

"A few? All we did was kiss?"

"Yes. Now shut up." She says through her teeth. Namjoon finds her amusing as always.

"I guess it is considered a kiss regardless of which set of lips it is." He says and she glares at him. He looks back at her and they have a staring contest until a clearing of the throat interrupts them.

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