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Namjoon paces the floor impatiently as he waits.

His thick biceps flex as he grows worried and frustrated with each passing second.

Malia should've been here by now. She's the captain of the dance team. Where does she get off being late to the game practice before the game like this?

Is she insane?

The front doors to the building open and Namjoon's head snaps up to look. Walking in with her duffle bag is Malia.

"You're late." He tells her.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Thanks. Because I didn't know that."

"You're the captain. You need to be on time."

"Who are you? My coach? Loosen your jock strap and leave me alone."

Namjoon raises an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"


Namjoon puts his hand on the wall to block her path and she stops in her tracks. She looks up at him as he looks down at her.

"Where were you?"

"Why do you care?"

"Were you with Sebastian?"

"Again, why do you care?" Malia tilts her head.

"Because I just want to know. You just up and go places and nobody knows where you are."

"Camryn knew where I was. And Tyrell has my location. Just because you didn't know, doesn't mean other people didn't."

"Malia, please stop playing with me."

"I'm not. Now move." She pushes him and he backs up. She walks past and down rhe hall to the locker rooms.

"Are you at least coming out with us later?"

"I don't know. Maybe." Malia replies as she walks into the women's locker room.

Her entry calls for the attention of the other girls and they look at her.

"Oh my God. Girl, tell me everything." Camryn says as soon as she sees her.

"How was the food? I've been wanting to go there with Ty but I don't know. I can't eat everybody food." Taija frowns.

"The food was great." Malia informs. "And so was the study session." She says, looking at Camryn.

"Oh, boo." Camryn waves her off. "Fuck that. I'm talking about Bash. How is he?"

Malia bites the inside of her lip as she keeps from smiling. She turns away and opens a free locker up.

"He's fine."

"Mmmhmmmm." Camryn crosses her arms. She looks at Taija who raises an eyebrow.

"What?" Malia says. "He is."

"So you just bench twice your weight for fun?" Malia quirks a brow.

"Not really for fun." Sebastian laughs. "I mean-." He puts a fry in his mouth. "Yeah, kind of. I was a lifeguard at the beach over the summer and I needed to be able to trust that I could save anybody if I needed to. I know I'm skinny but it's straight muscle under here, aight?" He smacks his chest. "I could throw you if I wanted to."

Malia snorts and covers her mouth before cracking up. "Yeah, okay."

"I'm serious. You're tiny, Malia."

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