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I knock on suite door six and wait for someone to answer.

After the night at the diner, Midas and I exchanged numbers so that he could help me with the dance mix. We've got three weeks until the season starts.

Camryn and I will have no problem coming up with a dance. We just need the music finalized. Camryn picked the songs and ran them by me. I had no oppositions.

I sent them to Midas and he said that he'd work on the mix for me. Now, here we are. He said that's he's mostly finished. He wants me to hear it before he completes anything in case I want to tweak stuff.

The door swings open and Namjoon stands there shirtless. I avert my eyes and look at the floor. He isn't wearing socks, either. Just his grey sweats.

"Malia." He sounds surprised as he speaks my name. He probably wasn't aware that I'd be coming up.

"I'm here for Midas."

"Is that Lia?"

I hear his voice and Namjoon steps out of the way to let me in. Midas isn't wearing a shirt, either. But at least he has socks on.

"Can you put some clothes on? What is this, a brothel?" I say as I look at the ground and sit on their couch.

"I mean, it could be." Midas says as he goes to his room. "Sometimes."

"Ew. Is this couch safe or should I move?" I call to him and he laughs.

"Honestly?" He asks and I groan.

"Please don't. I will leave." I say as I start to get up.

"He's joking." Namjoon says.

His voice is deep, like he just woke up. I sit back on the couch and say nothing to him.

Midas comes out with his laptop and sits next to me. He's changed into a long sleeved tee and basketball shorts.

"Alright. I'm not gonna lie to you. This took four days because I want it to be perfect for y'all. The Beyoncé to Fleur transition? Elite."

"Let me hear it." I say and he plays it.

My mind fills in moves that I have in my head for certain parts. The others, Camryn and I will come up with together.

"This is good. Send it to me so I can send it to Cam. We can start working on it tomorrow."

My phone buzzes in my hand and my eyes widen at the caller ID. I tap the green button and her face pops into the screen.

"I really hope you're not in class because I'm about to go the fuck off."

"I'm not in class. I'm getting the mix for the first game of the season."

"Do they record those? I want to watch it." Janae forgets what she originally called me for, I assume, as she thinks about the dance.

"The games are live. She can watch it on TV." Namjoon's voice speaks and my eyes widen as I turn my head to him.

I put the phone down, removing my face from the camera.

Shut up! I mouth to him.

He blinks at me, surprised at my quiet outburst. He stops eating his cereal mid chew to look at me like he did nothing wrong

Janae narrows her eyes at the phone.

"Who was that?"

"Nobody." I get up from the couch. "I'm going downstairs right now."

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