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When Malia wakes up in the morning, she's in such a great mood. She showers, gets dressed in her black bodycon jumpsuit, blue oversized jean jacket and her university blue 1s.

She's in a good mood yet still tired from the night before doesn't feel like actually getting dressed. This is simple but looks cute. She wears her glasses today because she can't find her contact holder and she doesn't feel like looking for it.

As she walks to the campus building's doors, she notices people looking at her. People are always looking at her now. She'll have to get used to that.

It's when the whispers and stares start, that she questions things. A guy puts his arm over her shoulder and she looks over. She doesn't even know who he is.

"Wassup, Malia. You gonna let me pop, too?"

"What?" She pushes him off of her. "The fuck are you talking about?"

"Oh, now she acting different." He and his friends laugh and Malia grows more confused.

She spots Taija and Kaia walking up to her with Tyrell and Hakeem not far behind.

More people stare, starting to surround her and her anxiety grows.

"Back the fuck up off her." Taija pushes people out of her and Hakeem backs, waiting for somebody to try to push her back.

Kaia grabs Malia's hand and all of a sudden this feels a lot like senior year.

"What are they talking about? What happened?" Malia asks, almost whispering yet very confused.

Kaia and Tyrell lead her over to their circle of friends plus the cheer team.

"Sebastian was at your suite last night, right?"

"Yeah, but it was for a class." Malia clarifies and she hears somebody smack their teeth and another one snort.

She looks over but doesn't say anything to them. She keeps talking to Ty.

"We had to watch a movie and fill out a paper on it. Nothing happened. He didn't even try anything."

"Oh, sure he didn't." Chloe says. Her arms are crossed.

"What?" Malia looks at her. "He didn't." Her face scrunches, confuses as to where this sudden attitude from her is coming from.

She's never shown her any signs of being that type of girl. Not that she's aware of, anyway. Malia couldn't have seen this coming.

"We watched the movie, stayed in the living room, ate a little food and did our homework. You were there. We were sitting on the couch and in the kitchen. We didn't go anywhere else." She looks at her to back her.

She shrugs. "I don't know. I was with Namjoon. We were... otherwise occupied."

Malia narrows her eyes at her for half a second before turning back to her friends.

"But y'all know I wouldn't do no shit like that. I don't even know him." Malia gets upset defending herself.

"And Bash wouldn't try no shit like that. I've already said this." Midas says as he looks at Namjoon.

"We don't know what he'd try. Or what she'd go for, honestly." Chloe says. "It's like 50/50 at this point." She stares Malia down.

Malia's vision splotches as her heart rate spikes. Her palms become moist as her head becomes hot. Her jaw clenches and her nostrils flare.

"Bitch-." Malia takes a step toward her and is immediately pulled back by her torso.

Taija and Camryn step in between her and Chloe while she's pulled back.

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