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I look at myself in the bathroom mirror, just staring.

I can't believe I asked him to do that. I can't believe that he actually did it.

What the fuck. Am I crazy?

But it felt so good. His kiss, his touch. And he even talked me through it.

I gotta call Janae. I can't think. Oh, this girl gonna chew me the hell out. I just know that she is.

I walk to my room and tap her contact to FaceTime her. She answers on the second ring.

"Hey baby doll. How's dance? I seen you did your thang the other night. Shakin' all that ass your momma gave you."

"I gotta tell you something. And before you say anything, imma tell you right now, don't ask me to explain anything because I can't. I don't even know my damn self."

"Girl.. what are you talking about?" Janae wonders. "What happened?"

"I had a problem the other day. Already, there was a problem."

"What the hell happened? Do I need to come up to the campus?"

I shake my head and look at her. She will really drive her ass up here.

"No, Nae. Listen. I had an assignment to do with this guy, Bash, and I guess he got a lil reputation or whatever so-."

"He lied on his dick. What's that school address? I'm coming up there first chance I get. Them niggas gonna have me fucked up about you, Malia. I'm not playing." She gets up out of her dorm bed and starts packing a duffel bag.

"Wait, no. It wasn't like that. He didn't do anything wrong."

"So what is it like then?" She stops and looks at me.

"The girl I share my suite with, she runs some kinda gossip page or whatever and I guess she put it up and insinuated that we had sex, even though we obviously didn't. He told her to take it down and was pretty upset about it. He took me out for food as an apology."

"Over a nigga?" Janae deadpans. "She mad at you about a man? Girl, you know how many men exist on this damn planet?"

"Yeah, but I don't know." I shrug. "He told me she cheated on her boyfriend with him last year but he didn't even know she had one. They fell out about that and I guess she was pretty pissed about it."

"Damn. Well, that sucks." Janae says plainly. "For her. Fuck her. Karma's a bitch. Oh, well."

I nod and she shrugs.

"To be honest, I thought you were gonna tell me something about that other one I don't like."

"I mean.... there is something about him, too."

"What is it?"

"We kissed."

She blinks at me.

"And then we went out yesterday with our friends. He's been... nice to me."

I say everything hesitantly and wait for her reaction. It takes about 20 seconds for her to have one. She inhales deeply and then sighs.

"Malia, as much as I would love to have an opinion on this and tell you that I still don't fucking like him, it's not going to change your mind. So I'll back you on this. I'll... I will listen to you tell me about him like you listen to me about my little situation. Maybe he'll grow on me." She shrugs and gives me a warm smile. I smile back at her.

"He has apologized and he said he didn't know that his friend was such an asshole so. There's that. Counts for something, I guess." 

"Thank you." I tell her.

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