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I thought that I was starting to miss the campus while I was home. That was a bold faced lie. I just missed my friends and dancing.

After Christmas, the break seemed to really fly by. I spent New Years with my family and Janae. Namjoon FaceTimed me before the ball dropped. We stayed on the phone through it and then he walked his big ass over to my house just so he could get his New Year's kiss.

My mom and dad witnessed it from the living room window and tried to play it off like they weren't watching. They're so nosy.

Joon and I drove back home two days ago and spent yesterday unpacking our stuff and washing clothes. Camryn and I helped him and Midas clean their suite. I cleaned my room even though it wasn't really dirty and used some of the money that my mother gave me to go get some grocery stuff for myself.

Midas and Joon gave me some money to pick up stuff for them as well. They've spent the last two days working out and on the basketball court. They act like they've lost their touch or something.

When the rest of our friends and what felt like the campus got back, things started moving quickly. One day I'm doing laundry from the winter break, the next I'm sitting in my fifth block taking notes right before the bell buzzes.

When it does, everyone files out and fills the halls to get to their destinations. Namjoon puts his arm around my shoulder as we walk causing people to give us glances of confusion. As we get closer to the usual group of people we stand with, he lets me go.

Taija and Kaia bombard me with hugs and I laugh as they damn near tackle me.

"Can I breathe? Sheesh. I missed y'all too."

Kaia grabs my face and kisses my cheek and Camryn and Hakeem start laughing. I groan loudly and they all laugh when she lets me go. I wipe my face off and she nudges me playfully.

"LiaLiiaaaa." Tyrell's voice calls from down the hall.

I turn my head and he's got a big smile on his face as he hugs me. He squeezes me and then hugs the other girls. He daps his teammates up and head nods to address the cheerleaders as the approach.

Namjoon looks in their direction and then at me. He gestures his head towards the door and starts walking that way. I say 'bye' to the group and walk to catch up with him.

"Y'all got practice tonight, right?" He asks as we walk.

"Yeah. We've got competition season coming up. Coach emailed us about it. She said that it's not long at all because of how bad it went for the girls last year. The judges aren't sure if we'll make it to finals this year, so they're not expecting much."

"Damn. That's kind of unfair."

"That's what I said but they're basically giving us a chance to prove ourselves so it counts for something, I guess."

"Our away games are coming up. I already know our Coach is about to get in our ass about it." Namjoon says as holds the building door open for me.

"Away games?" I ask him and he nods. He grabs my hand and we walk upstairs to his suite. "Like... how far away?"

I don't want to sound clingy but I also don't want him to go. I know that it's not an actual choice, he has to leave with them.

I put my bag on the floor and he looks at me as he turns his space heater on.

"Around the state for regionals. Other teams bus in for Nationals."

FRAT LINE-KNJ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz