#23 Being YOU

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There might be somethings about yourself that you might not like particularly. Or maybe you wished you were more like a certain person, with specific skills. (I don't mean physically/appearance wise) But what you might consider as ugly or damaging parts about yourself, are actually what makes you—YOU; alongside all the other good parts which you tend to ignore.

The thing is, that subconsciously we tend to expect perfection from ourselves and those around us. And while striving for perfection is the best thing, what you need to realise is you and I, we all were created 'imperfect'. Allah SWT already had the perfect, devoted and never disobeying Angels to worship Him. Yet, he made them prostrate to Man, because in spite of the imperfections, Man uses his free will to turn to his Lord in obedience.

That's why, don't spite your imperfections. There's no way you won't make mistakes and mess up. So just accept your mistakes, learn from them and most importantly forgive yourself for them. That's the only way forward to peace and happiness InshaAllah🤗

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