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— I feel so free around you. Look at me I'm floating. I'm free." Because I care about you",  "you bring me peace"

The upwards profound and heavy dark eyes are what I need, the silk delicated hands that run my body, his shallow  breath on my ear, where his pulsing heart beat is loud to scream at me.

The embrace of those five fingers, the embrace and knowledge of my muscles and skin fibers.

My head leaned back on his open large but delicated hand, his lips are tracing the map to my thirsty and anxious mouth who can't be closed at such pressure 

— Is you who I needed, who I searched, who I waited for.

The whisper dropped near my ear, now that his lips have conquer my naked  neck who he caress lightly among kisses. 

— I want you Oliver. You only 

— But I'm broke, just like you– He helds my broken pieces and glues them together, like a porcelain doll, I gain life under my protector care, however, she hides in the depth of a empty forced double but credible smile, while she holds within what is broken the most, her trust.

— I'm complete with you. She  has no other life to live this is all she has now and forever who knows? 

I take his lips into my custody , turning my lips into jail,a prison that won't let them free. The sun will born brighter tomorrow under my captivated heart, he owns it 

The grip of his hands gets firm on my thighs bringing me closer than I could ever been,  our skins will melt and fuse I a heartbeat.

I gasp withing the kiss that takes over my breast, where he equally distribute love notes and words.

— You are the most precious, exuberant, bright, star, beauty, this galaxy has seen.

The heat escalated savagely throughout my body.  

My skin sweats in excitement, heat, thirst , desire and pleasure

The melody from his voice deep inside his vocal cords, symphony to my ears, I interrupt by his nibbling my flesh, my bare naked sesnsitive nipple who gets hard by his touch. 

A wave of electric shoke stricks me like a lightning, where I'm charged by the sight of his devotion to please my body, to his attention and care.

The free hand pass the barrier of my pajama pants, with walking fingers he lands upon the patch and path to madness. Where I nodded my heard and take his lips aggressively, drowning the frustration and need.

— Be mine. Be mine oliver. I say when my legs apart from  each other allowing his fingers to enter my paradise where flowers bloomed  within seconds with the touch of his cold lips on the heaven gate between my legs.

By impulse I lifted my torso from bed,  covering my breath, scooping and searching, and begging for air everywhere I could get. 

Sweat drops from my forehead to the sheets, the ones who strangled me during my sleep, what I dream.

— Hazel! – There I met his worried expression and concerned gaze. 

— Are you alright? Did you had a nightmare? – This soft touch brings me memories of that dream, he cant ever know about this dream, I wouldn't tell him.

It wasn't a nightmare, I was the best dream ever 

— You are sweating!– He notices, impossible not to,  since the pillow is wet from the wrestle battle, might not be the only one.

— I will get you some water. – He jump out of bed to the kitchen. A thin breeze realces how hard my nipples are from the dream, where he kissed my lips and my soul. where it was deeper than the ocen, I smile embarrassed covered them with the sheets and force myself to forget the unforgettable. to never again dream about the men who sleeps aside me , the one I think I'm falling to.

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