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The beginning of a new journey , to explore the unknown has ours hearts committed but terrified.

I stepped outside meting a new world besides the one  I was locked inside.

Is quiet And peaceful , is a handful of beauty And discoveries.

— Spring– I said at first and  last , the sky was cloudy and dark blue with a shy timid sun picking in between the clouds

— Spring, indeed– He says leaving the door frame , closing the door  behind him. So we left marking small steps.  The forest is dense and close,  the trees keep a secret better than anyone could,  the more we walked the further and hidden the house appeared.

— How where you able to find this tiny house in the middle of the bushes and trees at night, with a storm?

— I can't explain it. I don't know, I  just kept walking. It think is good right here.– Oliver Squats down,  takes the thread and unrolls it each step we mark.

 — What's that for?– I asked

— If we get lost all we have to do is follow the thread and we will find home – He said. He said home. Yes home, where we lay our heads and eat, but home is where, we feel safe, in peace and protected.

I guess I feel protected,  he makes me feel secure,  safe. Home.

How come, a stranger who I have been sharing the same roof, made feel safe and protected 

 I didn’t knew it felt like that,  it has been a long long way till here. Since I left Russia,my family and my home,  everywhere I was,  felt like a house,  with a roof,  walls,  floor,  bed and doors,  a normal casual house.  But him.  Oliver, made me feel home.

 — Survival hacks? – I questioned

— Something like that yes, we can learn amazing things with YouTube– We followed the wind it got colder and fresher,  I could here sounds,  vibrations , waves.

— WOW! This is incredible– Is impossible  to believe  what my eyes have shown me.  My soul was washed away with the glorious beauty,  called nature. A  precious and secret space,  covered with pine trees and spruces,  the mountains show themselves in silhouettes, near the hill where the river is born.

 — I’m speechless— I notice the birth of the most heartwarming  smile I have meet in this world,  the second most beautiful view around me

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 — I’m speechless— I notice the birth of the most heartwarming  smile I have meet in this world,  the second most beautiful view around me


 She went down fearless in a blink of eyes she moved. The Hazel from her eyes complimented the beauty within herself.

She stopped to say hi to every plant small or big, she almost named them on her way down to met the river up close.

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