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– Honey?  Honey I can't find my tie,  have you seen it?  The one I got for my birthday?
— Honestly My dear,  you are hopeless  und useless  without me.  Come on admit it? – Gave him a kiss dispiswe his cranky face facing the truth,  she gave the tie a knot and straightened his suit
— Where are you going in the middle  of a pandemic?
— Actually  no where,  I will just have a meeting trough  the computer– A small glance  had him intrigued,  he marked steps to see that scene  better and he couldn't  believe  it.
— Have you?  Barbs did?.. I hope not because that compromise their experience  and our experiment. – He affirms
— Of course not. They are pretty slow,  very slow
— What day is today? 
— technically  they have been there for more than three weeks,  more than four.  I think we will have tro driop the 21 days mark
— No.  I have faith on them– He said kissing  her lips and walked away to the other living  room while she sat down excited to see more.

{• HAZEL•}

— I'm a master at this– I say throwing the pasta to the air , amazed by the ability I just learned, how to cook pasta Alfredo,  my cheeks are stretched along my face, my lips are apart ex posing my teeth's , a smile noticeable miles away

— Yes, yes you are. Can you feel ?– he adds pepper

— It smells like.  My success.– He gives a silly laugh and I ask for a high five

— It does. –  He adds  some basil to the pasta and cheese on top, looks delicious and it smells fantastic.

— I had an idea, I just need to know if you would like to... Come in this adventure – He suspiciously says while washing the dishes, I clean the table and that balcony and curious I ask

— What adventure?

— Would you like to enjoy the backyard that we have and have a lunch out side by the river?

— By the river? Lunch? A picnic?!– The excitement flows trough me and my voice shows so

— Yes!

We went outside and took everything we needed, I thought about how big of a change I have witness from Oliver, yesterday talk was emotional, I would dare to say that was emotional drained and yet he is here with a small, a serene face ready for an adventure.

We spread the kitchen table towel we could find And prepare our dishes. The look of The pasta made me proud , the taste blow me away, I have learned a new recipe with him.

— This is . really. Really good, congratulations, taste amazingly. – Enjoyment is what I see from his expression as he chews and goes back for more — Thank you

— Is  there something wrong?

— No , actually everything is right. I needed to get away from what I left back home and the destiny heard me. What do you think is in those mountains? – I  point to the green and colorful painting in front

— Gold?  He lift his shoulders — Gold?

— who knows maybe it is Gold, or diamonds — or bears and wolfs.

— Covered in gold and platinum, we would be rich that’s for sure. – I stare at Oliver whose peace is unbroken . He has a playful and creative side  that rarely sparked to the outside.

We talk all day, we walked around the lake who keeps asking me to swim on it.

— What’s on your mind Haze.

— Let's swim – I start taking my boots and pants getting ready to try the Cristal river water , Oliver turned around and close his eyes — Swim?

BARROW ME A SHELTEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant