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*I don't think he got as much time in the story as some of the other spouses of the characters, so this one is a treat for you Taif fans!*

"A baby?" I blinked at her, stunned. "What baby?" 

She clearly had a concussion. I had to take her to the hospital ASAP.

She began to sit up, and I immediately reached forward to help her, leaving my arm around her shoulders after she was leaning against the bed. "Taif?" 

"Hmm?" I kissed the side of her head, feeling very protective of her. Iman was strong, no doubt, but she often acted stronger than she actually felt.

"I think I'm pregnant." 

"Pregnant?" I repeated, blankly.

"Yes. Pregnant. Expecting a child. About to be a mother." She raised an eyebrow at me.

I cleared my throat. "Oh." I sat back against the bed as well, staring at the wall.

"Oh? That's all you're going to say?" A look of hurt appeared on her face.

I turned to her. "I don't know how to react, to be honest, Iman. The idea makes me want to laugh and dance and yell happily at the top of my lungs, but I know your career goals, and I don't want to celebrate until I know that you're okay with it." 

Her eyes filled up, and she turned away. 

"Iman, you can talk to me." I held her hand in mine, and lifted it up to kiss it.

"I don't want to be ungrateful to the blessing of Allah, but..." She swallowed hard and turned to look at me. "I don't know how I'm feeling." 

"Do you not want kids?" 

"I do! You know I do! But I want something more than that. I want to be a surgeon." She sighed. "I know that I'm going to be criticised by the society for this thinking, but you have no idea how important this is for me." 


"I'm not good at expressing my feelings, Taif." She said, quietly staring at our linked hands. "But I felt heartbroken at the idea of not being able to become a surgeon." 

I frowned. "But who says that you can't become a surgeon?"

"Did you miss the part where I said that I think that I'm pregnant?" She blinked at me.

"So? You don't know any surgeons who are also mothers?" I squeezed her hand. "Iman, it's possible that your dream to become a surgeon might take longer now, but it doesn't mean that it will never come true. Your kids don't have to stop you from going after what you want in your career." 

"It's easy for you to say, Taif. Society doesn't expect you to sit at home, give up everything you've ever wanted and raise kids..." 

"Since when do you care about what society thinks?" I asked her. "You're Dr Iman Fawad, the girl who fought through her rebellious stage to achieve her career dreams of becoming a doctor. You can do whatever you set your mind to, Iman, because you're willing to fight hard for it." I paused. "Your grandmothers were also surgeons, right?" 

She nodded. "In fact, they both became surgeons after having kids. Dado became a surgeon a year before Fariha Phupho was born, and Nano became one even after having Ahad Mamu." 

"Wow, Ma Sha Allah!" I said. "With examples like them, how are you losing hope?" 

I shrugged. "I guess I'm scared that I would choose to abandon my own dreams once I have a baby." 

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