𝒸𝒽. 𝟢𝟢𝟣 -- 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇

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A small pucker formed between Edaline's eyebrows, and she opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Grady's voice cut her off.

"I'm right here," He said, Sophie and Edaline both turning towards the stairs. Sophie smiled, about to run and give him a hug, when she saw his expression, and stopped mid-step.

Edaline seemed to have noticed too, as she asked, "Is something wrong, Grady?"

Grady sighed,seeming to change his word choice several times before he answered, "There's... Something waiting for you in your room, Kiddo."

Sophie tried to read his expression, but it was impossible, though from his grimace, it didn't seem like something good.

Sophie glanced at both her parents, Edaline giving a small nod, before racing past Grady, up the stairs.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Her eyes scanned her room, checking for danger. No footprints on her flowered carpet, no opened windows, and no thoughts nearby either, after Sophie closed her eyes, stretching her mind out, feeling for other people.


Instead, her eyes landed on her bed, and a neon floof of green, blue, and purple caught her eye.

Sophie giggled, running over to snoring Iggy. She opened his cage, ruffling his fluffy fur. He was also streaked with black tiger stripes, and Iggy now looked like a hybrid mermaid and tiger. It was definitely by far his best look yet.

Why didn't anyone warn me that Dex came over? Sophie thought, frowning. But she shrugged it off, centering her attention back to her now blue, purple, and green Iggy.

Iggy woke the second Sophie opened the cage, and he jumped straight up, greeting her with a wall rattling burp.

Sophie pinched her nose, choking.

"Wow Iggy, your breath is so much more stinky than usual." She said, playing with Iggy's fur. Iggy just burped again, and Sophie laughed, letting Iggy flit over to her shoulder.

Sophie smiled, picking up the cage to move it back to its usual place on her bedside table, but froze when she saw the piece of paper that drifted out underneath.

Hundreds of possibilities flashed through her head, the Neverseen leaving another threat, some sort of enzyme or tracking bacteria on the paper, the Neverseen already finding out about her torching their storehouse and about to retaliate...

But never in a million years would she have guessed who it was, as she slowly turned over the paper, and recognised the familiar handwriting of Keefe Sencen.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

To the Mysterious Miss F!

Ugh- I'm already regretting starting this letter that way. But I don't have any extra paper, and crossing it out would look worse, so... I guess we'll just have to add it to my list of mistakes.

And I know you're going to think that everything I'm about to say should also be on that long list of Keefe Fails. But I swear- that's NOT what this is. I'm not trying to fix everything or save everyone this time. I'm just trying to make sure I don't hurt anyone.

I can't tell you more than that without putting you in danger, so just... trust me when I say that the powers my Mom gave me are super bad. There seriously aren't strong enough words to explain how horrible they are. And I CAN'T control them- just like I can't stop my Mom from forcing me to use them.

So... This is the only way. I don't want to do it. But I have to. And I'm not going to ask you to not hate me. In fact, it might be better if you do, because I need you to PROMISE that you won't try to find me. My Mom will be waiting for you to track me down- and since I know how stubborn you are, I want to make sure you understand who you'd be putting in danger.

Again - A Sokeefe (KOTLC) Fan FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz