Christmas Special (IZ*ONE)

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After some convincing from (Y/N) he agreed on the plan we were doing. Right now I'm preparing for our date. I know I'm older but I can't help but feel excited like a high school student who was asked out by the popular kid. I was applying last touches of my makeup when I heard a knock on the door and I let the person enter and it was (Y/N).

"You look amazing." He said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Are you going to say that to all of us cause if so I'm not flattered." I said even though his compliment made my heart skip a beat. I heard him chuckle lightly and I saw him lean on the door.

"Hey cut me some slack, do you know how hard it is to compliment someone who's receiving it from thousands of fans everyday." He said and just laughed at what he said. We headed out of the dorm and went straight to his car so that fans won't be able to recognize it. I was the one who had an itinerary for the day and (Y/N) just agreed to go with me to the places I wanted to go.

We first visited an off the wall contemporary art museum. Despite it being off the wall there were a lot of visitors that day but luckily we were early enough in the line so we entered and started to look around. We were walking around the museum until a piece caught my eye. I then held (Y/N) while staring at the painting making him stop walking. The painting was on a white canvas and the artist only used black paint. It looked like it was at the top of a hill and you could see a person sitting under the tree that had a silhouette of another person.

" 'Habe me Expectantibus' or when translated it means 'Hold me while you wait' " (Y/N) said, making me look at him and I saw that he was observing the painting even more.

" Maybe the artist has dealt with a kind of love where one  of them was not ready for a realationship." (Y/N) said as he looked at me.

"That hurts, you know. A person is ready to give their all but the other one is still hesitating so the person who is ready tells that person they are willing to wait." I said and I saw (Y/N) look at me straight in the eyes. I saw an apologetic look mixed with uncertainty in them making me squeeze my hold on his hand. I saw him breath heavily before smiling like he used to and we finished the tour inside the museum. We then decided to eat some kalbi before going to our last destination of the day. I told him that we could walk from the restaurant to the next destination so that we could walk the food that we just ate. We were having fun and goofing off till I almost slipped but luckily (Y/N) was able to catch me in time.

"Careful you might hurt yourself." He said with so much concern but I only heard the last part because I could feel my face heating up from the closeness of our face. I thanked him before separating from him and we just continued walking to our destination.

"This is..." (Y/N) was surprised to see where I brought him. It was the playground where we first met back when I was a trainee and he was working for his sister. The TL;DR of it was that I was crying on the swing until he sat beside me the whole time without saying a word and only until I stopped crying was when he offered me water.

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