8. In time (Hwang Yeji | Irene)

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I was having advanced lab class and we were doing some chemical mixing which sounded fun on paper but was completely boring. I finished it quickly and had our teacher check and she told me to wait till the others were already finished. I went back to my seat and watched the other students play with the chemicals and be amazed with the color changing once. Being the youngest in the room made me feel that I didn't belong because I found it hard to interact with my sunbaes. They always had their inside jokes and topics that I couldn't really relate to so I decided to accept being the odd one out.

I looked at the time and saw that I had time spare for a nap before lunch period. I placed my head down and drifted to sleep quickly. I was peacefully napping at the back of the room till I felt someone tap the top of my head to which I just shrugged trying to to get the hand of me. The tapping then switched to my shoulder and it was significantly stronger. I eventually looked up to the person responsible and I saw that it was Irene sunbaenim. This made me jump from my seat and I saw her flinch at my actions so I bowed in apology.

"Sorry for not waking up immediately." I said quickly trying to avoid her icy gaze.

"It's fine, I saw you passed your report early so I understand why you would be napping." She said and in a flash all of the fear that was inhabiting my body disappeared. When I looked back up I saw Irene sunbaenim with a small smile which made me question if I was still alive. She sort of has this reputation for being really strict and uncompromising to students who don't follow the rules. You pair that with her cold and deadly glare and she fits the category of scary Council president, so seeing her smile is a first for me.

"You can have lunch now." She said shortly, making me snap out from my thoughts and bid goodbye to the council president. I made my way to the cafeteria and looked around to where a certain cat eyed girl was sitting. After looking around for a minute I felt someone try to push me and I turned around annoyed just to see Yeji smiling.

"I'm right here." Yeji said and I couldn't help but smile as well. We both found a table and we started to eat and talk with each other. Yeji was ranting about how hard their Science class was and I was nodding to what she was saying. I was looking at Yeji and I smiled at the sight of the girl in front of me.

Yeji and I have been friends for as long as we can remember. We first met during kindergarten when I accidentally bumped into her when we were playing in the playground. She started crying and I remembered that I was trying my best to apologize but failed miserably when she started crying harder.

 Eventually her parents and my parents came into the scene and I remember that I said it was an accident and I never meant to do it , luckily she stopped crying and we both made up right then and there. After that encounter the both of us became inseparable, we both had the same classes, same dance club and everything else in between. We always hung out after class, had sleepovers and we always found the time to text each other good morning and good night. 

I guess it was at that point when I realized that she was something more than a friend to me. I started seeing her as someone I want to be with. It was safe to say that I am in love with my best friend for quite some time now and the the one thing I regret was not confessing to her. My wishful thinking was cut short when her boyfriend Chan sat beside her. I silently took a deep breath to calm myself down as the both of them flirted in front of me.

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