Chapter 26: A little bit of Javid (cause why not?)

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"Race? Is that you?" Davey knocked on the door softly.

"Yeah." A quiet, hoarse voice responded.

"May I come in?" Davey questioned.

"I don't think you'd like to see me like this." Race chuckled brokenly.

"I think I'll manage." Davey joked, trying to lighten the mood.

He wasn't prepared, however, for the teen that was revealed when the door opened.

His once glowing pale face was flushed, his normally dimpled cheeks trailed with tear stains, and his typically stable hand was shaking violently while clutching onto a photo.

Then, the scariest change of all.

The beautiful vibrant blue eyes that lit up a room was bloodshot, showing he had been sobbing as if the tear stains weren't enough.

"I told you it wasn't pretty." Race laughed at the expression of Davey's face.

"Beauty is a very abstract concept." Davey put a hand on the younger boy's shoulder.

"Alright Davey." Race shrugged the hand off. "What are you really here for?"

"I- I know you're taking Jack's betrayal hard."

Davey felt instantly bad for the tears that welled up in the blonde teen's eyes. He could tell that Race was desperately trying to hold it in and shove the salty drops of water back down.

"I don't need Jack." Race backed away.

"I didn't-"

"I don't even want Jack!" Race threw his hands up. A cover smile appeared on his face, contradicting the tears that were now blurring his vision.

"It's okay to cry Race." Davey took a step forward to with the blonde took a step back again.

"No. Nope." Race muttered to himself incoherently. "Nope, I don't need the b*stard. Nope. No. Nada."


"We don't need him!" Race laughed hysterically before a small cry escaped his mouth. Race immediately cupped his hand over his mouth, hunching over and releasing a heart-wrenching sob.

"Racetrack-" Davey tried again. He had never scene anyone break down to this extent before. If Davey had been holding all this in, he would've gone insane.

"I need him." Race whispered, his voice shaking. "I want my big brother back."

"I know Race." Davey held the blonde boy close, wrapping an arm around his frail shoulders. "We all want Jack back but... but the boy we knew is gone Race. And I need you to snap out of this? Okay bud? We're all here for you, but we need you to snap out."

David almost wanted to punch himself for the tough love he thrust upon the broken boy.

"I'm scared." Race let out shuddery breaths. "I'm so scared."

"It's alright." Davey rubbed circles on the teen's back. "We're here. Jack might not be, but the rest of are and that's what counts."

Davey's began to panic when the pale boy went completely still.


Davey jumped back when Race ripped the photo that had been in his hands.

"HE LEFT US NOTHING!" Race screamed.

The Leader Of Queens: RewriteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz