Chapter 5: Angry Kids With No Money Dealing With A Grumpy Goliath

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"Speed! What did you do?" Sling yelled, slapping his friends shoulder.

"He jinxed us, that's what!" Archer fired back.

"Alright! Calm yourselves!" Books stopped the fight. "Slip, what do we do?" He looked to the younger girl.

Slip opened her mouth before closing it.

"We adapt." Slip turned back to her newsies.

Each frowning, hope lost from their eyes.

"Let's get down to business! To survive this world!" The newsies nodded along to her. "Did they send me cowards? When all they do, is hurl!" Everyone roared in annoyance.

"Please don't kill us all Slip," Books prayed, watching as she rallied up the newsies.

"You're the saddest bunch I ever met." She pointed to them.

"Hey!" The newsies yelled.

"But you can bet before we're through. Mister, I'll make a man out of you. So? What are we gonna do?" Slip yelled.

"We survive!" The newsies roared back.

"Yeah! They think they can knock us out of the watah. They think they can get us down. Well guess what? Wese gonna stand tall. Together! We'll make it through this! Yeh?"

"Yeah!" The Queens newsies threw their fists in the air.

"We're family, you have my back, I have yours. Got it?" She scanned the group of newsies.

Her family.

"We'll make it through this." Books put a hand on her shoulder.

"Together," Hyper added, smiling his wacky grin.

"Together." Slip nodded.


"ARROW! ARROW YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS," the voice of a child rang as he ran to the older boy.

"What's wrong kid?" The black haired boy ruffled the smaller boys hair.

"The prices are raised! What will he do?" The kid, Drools, voice cracked at the end.

Arrow knelt down to the child's level.

"Don't you worry kid."


"Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within." Arrow patted Drools's shoulders. "Once you find your center, you are sure to win! Hey, we'll make it through this, okay? You here me? We'll be okay." He wrapped his arms around the newsie, in which the small boy clung back tightly. "Get one of the older boys to send a message to Choker, we need to see what he's planning to do."


"CHOKER!" A small boy yelled running in.

"What?" The orange-haired man snapped back, growling at the child.

"Well- well-."

"Spit it out." Choker crossed his arms.

"The prices- they've been raised."

Chokers eyes widened.

"Send a message to Brooklyn, tell Conlon we need a council meeting."

"But- but-" Choker's annoyed glare cut the small boy off, making him shake in fear. "Yes Choker."

Choker rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot. And you haven't got a clue! How could I? Make a man, out of you."

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