"It's an emergency, we better go." His voice is calm and his cologne is strong on the shirt. he takes his time o answer the call but the only thing he says is 'coming' and then he hangs up before the person on the other side can even get a letter in.

"Is . . . is everything okay?" I ask and he looks at me, "Sandra's water just broke," he says as if he doesn't know how to handle his situation or how to feel. And I haven't thought about it until now, he might be getting a step-sibling tonight. Of course, he doesn't know how to react.

"Oh my god," I finally manage at the news.

Miles turns around, letting me get into the fresh underwear I placed by the sink earlier and then I slip into my pants quickly.

THE CAR IS FILLED with the smell of Miles's cologne as the engine roars us onto the main road.

"I thought I'd have more time to process this," he admits and I gulp. I don't want him to feel this way, I don't want him to have to go through things like this.

"But I guess . . . when you don't work on processing it, anything will seem too early." He looks at me and I don't know what to say.


"We're here," he lets me know and I nod.

He's quick to step out of the car, closing the door behind him and letting me stay inside the car.

"Yo!" Miles yells, putting his index and middle finger into the air and doing the 'come here' motion to his frantic Dad and Sandra on the steps on their porch.

I hear inaudible voices, everything seems okay but then suddenly it turns to chaos.

David yells as he and Miles help Sandra into the backseat.

"Miles, I'm coming with," David demands, but Miles raises a brow.

"Fuck no."

"Miles!" I say loudly, trying to somehow convince him otherwise, but I know that look in his eyes too well; his mind is set and when Miels's mind is set, there's no changing it.

I reach my hands to fasten Sandra's seat belt as she holds her swollen belly.

"Oh thank you so much, honey," she says even though she doesn't look more than ten years older than me.

"I wish those two would gt alone somehow." I nod as we both listen to the yelling and finger-pointing outside the car.

"You made us move pointless of fucking times. You fucking abandoned me! Do you not fucking get that?! Fuck you!" Miles yells, he veins in his neck rising and I know his hear is broken. But then he receives f a 'fine,' and another 'fine,' from David, his hands raised in the air in defeat.

"But hold her head, she falls asleep during a lot of pain," David mentions as Miles is halfway in the car, but he disregards his father even though I know he took the information in.

He shuts the door and before we know it, we're driving eighty miles per hour, which is safe for Miles, something he only does when he wants o really be careful either with me or this time with me and pregnant Sandra.

Sandra moans in pain and I can't help but watch her, studying the way she's protecting the baby by placing her hand on her belly and hoping everything will be okay; something I've always wanted.

"Are you excited for a baby girl?" I ask Sandra, both to distract myself and her. I can't imagine a small daughter being added to Miles's life, but I know that she'll be the only one even close to allowing me to see Miles with kids and with someone I'll probably always somehow even a little, see as mine; see as something we could have had.

I notice Sandra's eyes closing slowly and then opening up again.

"It's okay," I tell her and reach my hand down to her, to hold her head as she rests her head, letting it fall onto my hand as her eyes close completely.

"Miles," I say quietly as I watch Sandra's eyes closed and lips parted.

"You have to let David be there . . . for the birth," I tell him softly.

"If he wants to be there, he will," Miles says and I smile for some reason, knowing that Miles has always wanted to be there for me and to find me and he always has.

"Miles--" I sill begin.

"You don't get it Madison," Miles presses.

"Even though I was just a kid, I know something wasn't right with my family, the thing is . . . I don't remember him cheating, that's just what my mother told me," he says and I want to ask him every question my brain forms, but yet nothing is coming out of my lips.

"I never thought of any of his until now," he admits and I can't help but wonder why they divorced.

"Pamela is crazy . . . but so is David and I don't want anything to do with them when I don't have to, and right now . . . I don't need to." his words seem somehow haunting.

"What . . . what do you remember?" I ask him softly.

"I don't know . . . I just know that she was upset and . . . and she--" Miles blinks a few times as if trying to remember the memory that should be right there but isn't."

"He was in and out of the house and he had no issue with flirting with every woman he would see but that wasn't it, I know it pained my mother but that was never truly it, and even though some late nights at the office seemed convincing back then somehow I expected both of them to reach differently to their divorce," Miles says, trying to grasp something that's right in front of him.

"But when he left . . . somehow my mother didn't seem as sad as I expected her to be, she was hiding something I knew it, I always did, around him she acted so different but when he was gone she was obsessed with change, and it was like . . . like I never even knew her after that."

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