Chapter 36 Eye For An Eye (rewritten)

Depuis le début

"Olivia, baby, please wake up," I said softly in her ear, hugging her tighter. Her eyes opened quickly, she was breathing rapidly, gasping.

"Shhh, I have you," I whispered softly and kissed her cheek, kissing her warm, salty tears away.

"Anton." She was breathing hastily.

"Shhh, I'm here. It was just a dream." I tried to calm her down. Her breathing slowed down. Gulping, she mumbled back, "No...a nightmare. Actually...reality."

Che cosa?

"What do you mean?" I gazed down at her bemusedly. Her eyes were closed, her whole body was flushed.

"Nothing, forget it. Go back to sleep," she said firmly, still with closed eyes.

"Tell me." I said firmly, looking down at her.

"Why would I?" She exhaled and tried to go back to sleep.

"Because I told you to." She opened her eyes and gazed up at me, directly into my eyes.

"Why would I tell you when I know you don't care?" Olivia replied coldly.

Is that what she thinks? That I don't care?

I cared so much about her that it angered me.

"I do. Tell me...please." I pleaded. She glanced up at the ceiling, tears filled her eyes.

"I..." She hesitated.

"Olivia, I do care. Please tell me," I said softly. She relaxed in my arms and began telling me. "Once in a while, I get this nightmare. I'm five years old. My parents are in the kitchen, and I'm upstairs. Suddenly, I hear a sound like someone trips and lands hard on the ground. Concerned, I ran downstairs to the kitchen. There's my mom, on the kitchen floor, covered in bruises. There's blood around her on the floor—her blood. Mateo is standing over her with blood on his hands, hitting her. I scream, 'No, stop, daddy!' But he doesn't listen, he keeps hitting her even though she's on the floor, unconscious.

I scream and run up to her, but before I could even touch her, Mateo throws me away aggressively at the wall behind me. I lose my breath and start to cry, saying mum over and over again.

'Please... don't hurt her,' she whimpers weakly as she shuts her eyes in pain. 'Shut up, puta,' Mateo growls furiously and punches her hard in the stomach. Blood comes out of her mouth; tears flow down my cheeks. Mateo begins to hit her harder and harder, punching, slapping, kicking. As he continues to hurt her, she gazes at me in the corner.

She mouths weakly, 'It's okay, I'm here.' Tears are pouring down her cheeks, and blood is coming out of her mouth. The life in her eyes fades away slowly, until there's none left. The dream always ends with me screaming 'no'."

What kind of fucked-up dream is that?

I kept staring at her. "W-why do you keep having this nightmare?" I wondered out loud.

"Maybe because it's not a nightmare," she murmured quietly, fighting back tears.

"What?" I breathed out.

"I remember it so clearly." Tears were running down her cheeks as she shook her head slowly.

What. The. Fuck.

Who would do something like that to his own wife and in front of his own kid? That was fucked-up. I kept imagining a five-year-old Olivia running down the stairs only to see her mother being killed by her own father, with his very own hands. She watched it happen, saw her own mother's blood. I couldn't handle it; rage was replacing the blood in my body.

The thing that angered me the most was that the bastard was still alive. No one was going to hurt Olivia and get away with it. In my world, we lived by the saying eye for an eye. And Mateo did not only hurt Olivia, but he also killed her mother in front of her, so... I guess someone was taking a trip to hell.

I will make sure of that.

"I have to talk to the guys about something, but I will come back. Try to sleep, okay?" I mumbled under my breath, kissed her and stormed out of the room.

"You got to have a good reason for waking us up this early... or this late?" Colt muttered, scratching his head. All the guys were standing in my office with confusion all over their faces.

"You know that I had the best dream, and you woke me up. I was dreaming that I was fucking Theo's sister, and she was loving it—" Before he even was done smirking and pissing everyone off, Theo jumped on him and punched him right in the face. He kept hitting a laughing Colt until Colt pushed him off of himself and grumbled.

"Fuck, stop, it was just a joke." Theo glared at him, kicked him hard enough that Colt fell down. Colt's nostrils flared, he clenched his fists and was about to hit Theo.

"Enough!" I shouted furiously; silence fell upon us.

"For fuck's sake, grow up." I glared at them. "I brought you down here, so I could give you a mission. Tomorrow, you will find out about Mateo's whereabouts and torture him until I get there and finish the job." They exchanged puzzled glances with each other.

"Why? I thought our only mission was to take back the flash drive." Noah pointed out.

"Because I said so," I snapped.

"Do you really want to kill Olivia's dad? Why?" Diego asked calmly with a curious glint in his eyes.

"I have my reasons."

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