Forest of Unicorns and Rainbows!

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19th chapter XD Never thought I'd get to this chapter so fast XD I'm writing chapter after chapter!


Greek and Latin came back after the first test and gave me the small purple pouch I asked them to get me, "Thanks," I said as I tied it to belt.

"What's inside?" Greek tilted her head, causing her ears to flop.

"You'll see," I said mysteriously and Latin pulled Greek by the collar to get her moving.

"Hey! Don't do that!" Greek cried out as Latin dragged her away.

"Well than walk on your own, baka!" Latin muffled with a mouth full of fur.

"Well then stop moving!" Greek exclaimed and they continued to argue like an old married couple the entire walk to the second testing area. It was rather aggravating, but I decided against plowing their asses six feet into the ground.

When we got there, I basically blanked out until we were handed a piece of paper, "Hm?" I silently looked over to paper and reached into my hair, pulling out a random pen.

What? I tend to put utensils in my hair, okay? It's not weird at all! People do that.

Anyway, I quickly signed the paper and returned the pen to the warm confides of my hair. Then, I once again blanked out and stared at Anko. She saw me staring and smirked, "You scared?" She asked but I didn't answer, making her raise an eyebrow, "Anyone in there?" She was about to poke my forehead when.

"Do you want to keep that finger?" I asked and rose an eyebrow at her.

"Always looking for a fight," Anko smirked before walking away.

"She always was a weirdo." I murmered before looking down at Greek and Latin wrestling, "Stop your bickering." I grumbled and they immediatly seperated and bowed.

"Forgive us." Latin said and I pat their heads.

"I think you should sit the Chunin Exams out, guys." I said bluntly and they tilted their heads at me, "What do you mean?"

"I don't want you to get hurt or......" I trailed off as their ears slightly fell, "... Worse."

"You don't have to worry about us, Atsu-chan! We're perfectly fine!" Greek exclaimed and Latin nodded.

"For once I can agree with this idiot! We're strong enough to take care of ourselves!"

"Just listen to me. You're not ready and you need to sit this one out. This is an order. Do you understand? Or do I need to chain you guys up?" I said coldly and they whimpered, letting there heads fall as they nodded, "Good. Now go back home."

"Come on Atsu-chan!" Naruto exclaimed as my team walked up to the booth.

"Bye." Greek whimpered as they left, their tails sagging. I sighed before taking long strides to get to my team.

I grabbed our scroll, made a copy of it, and gave the copy to Sasuke, just in case.

You never know.

I followed my team to Gate 12, and we waited for the test to start. I ran my hand through my white hair before sighing.

"I hope we someone ends up dying," I murmered to myself and Sasuke glanced at me, "I haven't had a lot of fun in such a peaceful village..." I whispered before shrugging and taking off my ninja shoes and dropped them into my purple pouch before closing it up.

I placed a jutsu on the purple pouch, and so I can stuff anything I want in there. A whale, a tiger, even a trash can!

I lightly hopped from foot to foot before stilling. After a good thirty minutes, Anko yelled, "The second test of the Chunin Exam.... Begins now!" A guy opened the gate for us, and we immediatly dashed inside, quickly jumping from branch to branch.

My bare feet silently scraped against the rough bark as I easily made my way to the front of my team. After a while, we heard a scream and so we decided to walk on the ground instead, "That was... A human scream, right?" Sakura asked, a bit frightened, "I'm.... Getting a little nervous." She revealed and I silently scuffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"This.... This is nothing, Sakura-chan." Naruto exclaimed before making a weird face and started to unzip his pants, "I..... Got to take a piss."

"What are you doing?! Not infront of two ladies! Do that in the bushes!" Sakura hit him across the head and Naruto cried out before grudingly making his way behind the bushes. It took him a while to go, and so I secretly got out my kunai, noticing Sasuke was watching me. He followed my action and we made eye contact before nodding slightly.

Once 'Naruto' came out, I threw my kunai at his leg, making him cry out as blood dripped from the wound. Sasuke then went in and punched him, causing him to fly back into a tree, "Guys, you didn't have to go that far..." Sakura cried, not noticing this wasn't even Naruto, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Where's the real Naruto?" Sasuke asked harshly and Sakura seemed confused

"What... Are you saying all of a sudden?" 'Naruto' slightly cringed from the rough wound I gave him.

"I can sense different chakra systems for about a couple thousand miles, pinpointing who that chakra system belongs to. Naruto's is different, and I am always around him, so I know every little detail about him. You don't smell like him, and you have everything about him wrong. He's right handed, so his hoslter should be on your right side. Also, in the beginning of the test, I allowed Anko to make a cut on his cheek so it was be a little easier to find him." I said coldly.

"Unlucky! You figured it out, oh well! Which one of you has the scroll?" 'Naruto' transformed into an Amegakure nin.

"I'll just take it by force then!" The man exclaimed before jumping around like a little monkey. While Sasuke chased the man, I went to untie Naruto.

"Hey Naruto." I sighed before ripping off his binds easily.

"Thanks Atsu-chan..!" Naruto exclaimed and I helped him up before jogging to help Sasuke.

"Now this is lucky! Move and I'll kill you! Hand over the scroll!" The man exclaimed, slightly cringing as he ripped out my kunai from his wound.

"Sasuke-kun!!" Sakura exclaimed as I sent a harsh upper-cut to the man's chin, sending him flying into the air. I jumped up easily and came face to face with the man, making his eyes widen. I pulled out a kunai easily before lodging it into his left shoulder, and giving the kunai a harsh kick, sending it deeper into his shoulder. His eyes widened as he flew away before he hissed out in pain and ran away.

I silently dropped back down to the ground and everyone stared at me before sighing in relief.

"We need a password." I said bluntly and everyone nodded.

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