Ryūchi Cave

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The Chunin Exams are coming up!! Woop woop! Finally! This book is almost coming to an end, but I still have a couple chapters left in me!


I sat in my room, holding the Chunin Exam application sheet. Kakashi had given it to me earlier, saying that it was going to be a week from now, and which room to go to.

I quickly grabbed my backpack and started packing. I put inside a couple extra clothes, weapons, some food, and other necessities.

I checked for anything I missed before writing a note to Kakashi, Greek, Naruto, and Latin. I know Naruto is going to be pretty upset that I didn't tell him where I was going in person, but he'll get over it. ( Let's ignore Kakashi, Latin, and Greek for now. )

I quickly teleported over to Gramps' office and all the ANBU protecting him quickly jumped to action and held kunai to my throat.

"Stand down, it is only Atsu," Gramps said happily and the ANBU hesitantly backed away from me and everyone left, "Hello Atsu. Nice of you to visit!"

"I'm leaving." I said and Gramps' smile fell into a frown, "I'm going to train for the next week, for reasons that are restricted."

"Why, may I ask, are these reasons restricted?" Gramps asked and I sighed, "Do you know anyone of the name, Kaguya?"

Gramps narrows his eyes and nodded, "What of her?" He asked and I sighed, "What is her last name?"

"I'm... Sorry, but that is restricted." Gramps frowned and I grudgingly got to my knees and bowed down, low to the ground, "Please. Lord Hokage, I need this information."

"I'm sorry... I can't-" Gramps started but I interrupted him, "I'm not on my knees for nothing, Lord Hokage. If I have to threaten you and the village for this information, I will."

Gramps was silent before, "Ōtsutsuki." He said and I looked up, eyebrows furrowed, "Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. That was her name."

I smiled slightly and got up before hugging Gramps, "Thank you... Thank you.." I whispered before letting go of Gramps, "Now, where are you going to train?"

"First... Ryūchi Cave," I exclaimed before smirking at the wide-eyed old man, "Tell Kakashi and Naruto I said bye."

I teleported to the village entrance and glanced behind me before walking away from Konoha's loud noises.


It took me all day and a lot of chakra, but I finally made it. I took a deep breathe and let it out before walking into Ryūchi Cave.

It was dark, and multiple yellow eyes were staring at me, and hisses filled the air. I felt something slither across my foot and I looked down, seeing a small snake hiss up at me before slithering away.

I walked further into the darkness and it was a while until I came across something... Interesting.

It was an extremely large white naga [1] sitting upon a strange podium, it's body was wrapped up in many thick coils around large pillars of stone. The snake wore a turban with two pointed edges and a red orb on top along with an orange headress. It also wore a large chain with a green orb hanging around its neck, and a long cigarette holder was swinging out of its mouth.

"Who dares... To enter...." The snake's raspy voice puffed out deeply, causing the cave to rattle, "You may call me Atsu Ōtsutsuki."

"Ōtsutsuki? I thought... They were all... Dead.." The snake said and I puffed out a mushroom cloud, "Listen, let's not talk about my name and lets just talk about teaching me your Sage Mode, alright?"

The snake growled lowly at my commanding tone before puffing out a blob of smoke from his cigarette holder, blowing it at me, "As you... Wish.." The snake said before dropping its cigarette holder on the ground lightly and leaning down towards me. His hot breathe wrapped around me as he opened his mouth slowly, revealing his large fangs. Venom dripped from his fangs and sizzled into the dirt.

I gulped lightly before sticking my arm into his mouth and allowing him to bite down. My eyes widened as my body started to burn harshly, I gritt my teeth in pain as the snake pulled away from my arm and I started to sweat rappidly.

I fell to my knees shakily and cradeled my bleeding arm. Venom dripped from my wound, mixing with my blood, before falling in droplets to the ground. I coughed out and blood splattered against the ground, "Dammit... This hurts more than... The Chidori..." I coughed out as I felt my body go numb and I fell back, sending pain up my body, "... And that shit hurt... A lot...!"

I struggled to keep in a scream as the pain escalated and I started to drool. I felt the metallic taste of blood as I bit down on my tongue harshly, making my stomach churn. I rolled to the side, shakily getting up before throwing up my much desired lunch, "Dammit..... That was a good lunch.." I coughed out and rolled away from my throw up painfully.

I twitched repeatedly before stilling, closing my eyes, "Oh... She died? How.... Disappointing..." The snake hissed out before I opened my eyes once again and started to cough out some more, throwing up some more blood, "I ain't dying yet, old snake!" I growled before coughing some more as I felt my stomach start to liquify.

"Nope! My stomach... Is not... liquifying... Today..!!" I growled out before punching my stomach, making me throw up more blood, "I'm not..... Dying!!" I yelled angrily as my arm started to become numb with pain.

"Oh..?" The snake taunted, tilting his head.

"Shut up!" I growled as my wound started to turn a painful purple.

"You don't know a thing about me! So you just sit there and smoke your cigarette, fat old snake!" I yelled at the snake and pointed at it before coughing up more blood, burning my throat, "Damn... This sure is gonna hurt in the morning..!" I coughed once more before throwing up acid and some water, seeing as I no longer had any food to throw up.

I closed my eyes tightly as tears filled my eyes, my violent coughs causing my throat to become raw and burn. I coughed up some more blood, more than before.

"I ain't dying... Not... Yet!" I exclaimed, determination bubbling through me as I coughed even more.

"Looks like... Your close... To dying.." The snake smirked and I glared up at him, causing him to flinch slightly.

"What did I say....?" I said angrily, shakily standing up, "I don't think I need to repeat......" I growled and my eyes started to burn, worse than when I got Sharingan.

"I said.... SHUT UP!" I yelled, causing a sound wave to harshly blow the snake back, "Don't talk about dying as if its the easiest thing in the world!"

"Or I will kill you!"

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