Today Is The Day Of Idiots

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Gehehe :)

@~Third Person~@

Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke sat down at the same desk for hours, waiting for their teammate and their team leader, "Did you watch Sairen last night Naruto?" Sakura asked out of the blue and Naruto grinned before nodding, "Yeah! That one might've be the best by far!"

Sasuke glanced at the two excited genin before looking away. He had watched Sairen also, he always did. Weither it was two in the morning or twelve at night, he would be there. The songs she sang had him hooked -- too put it simply, he was addicted. Her songs made him feel understood, even if she didn't know him personally.

Atsu sat outside the window on a branch, she had watched the earlier events and was aggitated that she had to be teammates with the weak pinkette. Either way, she ran back home and dragged Kakashi out of bed, "Come on! I know your my team leader! Get your sorry arse out of bed!" She exclaimed and Kakashi slowly got ready, "Remember what happened the last time you made me wait too long?!"

Kakashi paused before rushing his morning preporations and running out the door with Atsu on his back.

The last time he was late, Atsu ended up having to burn his burn his entire Icha Icha Paradise series. Extras and all. It took him five months to bring his collection back to life.

Anyway, the two got to the Academy in no time at all and Kakashi walked into the room, Atsu still on his back. Something fell from the door and a white puff of smoke covered Atsu's face, almost making her look like her hair.

The two heard loud and familiar laughter and turned to none other than Naruto Uzumaki, "Gotcha! Good one!" He exclaimed and Atsu hopped off Kakashi's back, waltsing over to the frozen Naruto, "O-Oh...! H-Hey Atsu-chan! I-I didn't know you were t-there!"

Atsu was silent as she peered down at her frozen friend before punching his head into the ground, making everyone sweat dropped slightly, "Try that again and I'll neuter you personally, got that?" She threatened and Naruto nodded before getting up, anime tears falling down his cheeks, "Good."

She pat his head and turned to Kakashi, waving her hand dismissively, as if to say continue, "Hmm.... How shall I put this? Based on my first impression I'd have to say....." Kakashi thought before exclaiming, "I hate all of you, except Atsu."

Sakura glared at Atsu as she walked over to Kakashi and jumped onto his back. 'She thinks she's so hot!! We'll see about that!! No way will she steal Sasuke-kun from me!!' Inner-Sakura yelled as the new team walked upstairs and onto the roof.

"Now, I'd like you all to tell us a little about yourselves," Kakashi said as they sat down on the roof, "Like what?" Sakura asked and Atsu sighed at her stupidity.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were sitting in front of Kakashi while Atsu was sitting on the railing beside Kakashi, "You know... The usual. Your favorite thing..... What you hate most.." He explained slowly as if they were children, "Dreams, ambitions, hobbies. Things like that."

Atsu trailed off as they introduced themselves,. Naruto she knew like the back of her hand --- Hokage and ramen. Sasuke --- Emo Wanabe with a revenge addiction and an older brother addiction. Sakura...... Sasuke.

The three genin looked at Atsu in expectation, making her mentally 'tsk', "I hate Kiba. I tolerate everyone except, Duckbutt, Sakura and her stalker groupie," I said bluntly and Kakashi and Naruto snickered at my comment. Sakura was stalking towards me while Sasuke was glaring at me harshly. At least he understood the insult.

Atsu once again trailed off, not really caring. Kakashi could tell her all about it when they got home.

(Next Day)

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