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"Well well well, look who it's is" he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Look Max I just want to get a ring" I told him getting annoyed having to see him and speak to him.

"For who?" He asked.

I lied, "Well me and Luke broke up a while ago... and I'm going to propose to my 'girlfriend'" I remembered he said he was homophobic so I made up that entire lie.

"Oh ok!" He smiled at me sweetly as if we were friends. I wanted to throw up at the thought of being his friend.

I finally chose a gold ring that was from the men's of course, Max gave me a confused look, "she doesn't like diamonds, she's a simple kind of girl you know?" I told him. He nodded and I payed for the ring.

I said 'bye' and left. I ran back home as it started snowing, I ran into the house and dried off quickly, I threw off my shoes and turned on the downstairs light.

"Where were you?" I heard from in front of me. I quickly hid the bag behind my back.

"I can't tell you"

Luke slowly came towards me and held my waist.

"Come on pleaseeeeeee" he begged.

"Go to the room and I'll show you-" I sighed.

I guess I'm going to propose early than I thought, I thought to myself.

I heard the stairs creak with every step Luke took. I mentally prepared myself and followed him soon after.

"Sooo?" He asked like an excited kid.

"Close your eyes" I told him.

He did so and with that I quickly put on a suit that I found in the closet and got onto one knee with the box in my hand, "ok you can open your eyes.."

"Thank god you've been 5 min-" he paused as he looked at me, "-uets" he finished.

I gulped nervously.

"Luke I... erm... I love you so so much and I didn't prepare what to say I should've done that-" I said almost giggling, "but.. will you be mine forever and always and Marry me?" I asked him.

He stood up and knelt in front of me, he took the ring, "no.." he said, "but will u marry me?" I sighed of relief as he didn't fully reject me. I nodded my head and he put the ring on my finger.

"I'm still too young but in 2 years I'll be 18 so" I smiled as he pulled me into a kiss, probably to shut me up.

We pulled away and I smiled at him. I placed my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso, his chest vibrated as he laughed softly. I closed my eyes and yawned. The clock read '6:00' I didn't realise how long I had been gone.

"How long have you been up?" Luke asked me with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Since 3, so 3 hours" I told him.

He sighed and picked me up, he placed me on the bed and gently lay on me so I couldn't refuse to sleep.

I huffed and eventually gave in, there were no sounds. No owls hooting, no foxes calling, no crickets singing, but there were birds chirping.

My eyes got heavy and I slowly fell into a deep sleep knowing that I was going to be married in 2 years to the best person alive.

I was still cold from the snow and was shivering in my sleep causing Luke to wrap the blanket and his arms around me. I smiled and wiggled closer into the warmth of the body laying next to me.

I woke up with Luke on his phone texting some one.

I yawned and got up and went to the bathroom. I got ready and brushed my teeth, I looked at my appearance and I still hadn't done my hair but I just couldn't be bothered to do it. I walked back out my hair still a mess and went downstairs.

I heard Luke's footsteps going into the bathroom probably to get ready. He walked downstairs and asked, "Why does Max think we broke up?" I gulped.

"H..He worked at the ring place and I panicked so I told him I was buying a ring for my girlfriend because me and you had 'broken' up, I'm sorry..." I told him looking down.

"Hey hey hey, calm down, it's ok babe" He came to me and wrapped his arms around my torso and I placed my hands on his stomach.

"Thought of any names yet?" He asked trying to change the topic.

"well, not really I was thinking either Summer or Autumn for a girl and for a boy I was thinking August or Austin" I told him looking up slightly so I could see him.

He hummed, "I like them all" I smiled at him and we continued on with our day.

Nine months went by quickly, I woke up in the middle of the night to get some water and my water decided to break. I freaked out and didn't really know what to do, thankfully Luke is a light sleeper.

"Luke!" I yelled, I heard him get up and follow my voice, he switched on the light causing me to squint.

"Erm- No easy way to say this but my water just broke" His eyes widened at my words and he started running up the stairs and grabbing the things I would need.

Luke drove us to the hospital and they rushed me into the room, they told me that I would need a C-section. I didn't really care I just wanted to be free from the pain.

A few minutes had passed and the nurses had came back and handed me a beautiful baby girl who had Luke's chocolate brown hair and my pale skin colour. 

"I'm so so so sorry to inform you but.. you had two baby girls.." The nurse said.

"What do you mean 'had'" Luke asked.

"Well.., The other one died not so long ago.."

I looked at her as if she was joking, she was serious. I felt tears roll down my face, I lay down fully in disbelief, Luke had taken the child from the nurse and placed it in the cot as he sat next to me on the bed.

"Hey.. It's ok.. shh" He told me, he wiped away my tears and the nurses footsteps left the room.

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