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"I should get going, I don't want my dad to worry about me" I told Luke yawning. He sighed and nodded his head, he drove me home and my dad being my dad invited him for lunch.

"Thank you Mr Howard" My boyfriend said softly to my father.

"Call me Hayden" my father said happily.

"Alright Hayden" Luke said proudly. I smiled at the pair and went into the kitchen. I had a vision of Paige when she slapped me.

I stepped back almost falling but Luke caught me, "woah what's wrong.." he asked me. I looked at him and shook my head, I stood up properly.

"N-nothing.. don't worry about it Luke.." I stuttered. I looked up at him placing a hand on his shoulder and kissing his cheek, "I'm fine don't worry..." I whispered.

He looked uncertain but nodded his head, he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close. I could tell my dad was staring at Luke, "Don't ever hurt my son" He said sternly, I smiled a little at how protective my dad is.

"I wont don't worry Haydem" I could tell Luke was slightly nervous.

He would never hurt me, right? I thought. I yawned and looked over my boyfriend's shoulder, another vision filled my sight, it was of my mother yet again but this time it was her slapping me, I flinched slightly in Luke's grasp.

"Ok, tell me what's wrong.." He said worridly but sternly gently pulling me away from the hug and keeping a strong grip on my shoulders.

Without even knowing it, I was crying and whimpering like a week pathetic toddler crying over something stupid, I felt Luke's hands loosen their grip as my dad pulled him off me and had him against the wall by his shirt collar, "STOP!" I screamed. I was crying and screaming. My dad dropped Luke and tried to hug me but I pushed him away and went to Luke hiding behind him.

"Toby-" He started but my father got up causing me to flinch.

I was never scared of my dad but I never knew he was capable of hurting someone who I love, I always though he wanted me to be happy. I was probably being over dramatic, but after everything that happened with my mom, I was scared that anyone could do what she did. Hurt me. Abuse me. Use me. Scare me.

"Toby... come on I wont hurt you" My dad said, it sounded as though he had a smirk on his face.

"N-No!" I stuttered, "You'll hit me like Mom did!" I said unaware I was still hiding behind Luke. The figure in front of me turned around and hugged me.

"Shh.." The voice was quiet and calming, I lay my head on Luke's chest wrapping my arms around his waist, "He's going to stay with me" The voice was now stern and confident. I heard a sharp sigh from my dad as I got carried out of the mansion.

Luke took me back to his and on the way I fell asleep, I was mentally and physically tired. Exhausted. Drained.

I woke up in the same bed I had done the previous night. I remembered I was at Luke's. I tiredly forced myself out of the bed and walked on the creeky wooden floorboards. I climbed down the spiral, carpeted stairs and went into the plain, cozy living room where I saw Luke sitting on the coffee coloured, swayed couch.

He turned around as he heard the small pats on the floor from my bare feet, I saw his face slowly gain a dusty-pink colour, "You look cute in my clothes" He told me. I gave him a confused look and looked down to see what I was wearing. I instantly blushed when I realized that he had changed me.

I laughed as Toby blushed when he figured out I had changed him, he sighed and sat next to me on the couch. He cuddled into my side and I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. I was watching a horror film, which in my opinion the film I was watching (It) wasn't that scary, apparently Toby finds a kid-eating clown terrifying. I remembered him telling me he used to like but I guess after everything that happened with his parents I understood why he was scared.

I ended up turning on a comedy film instead which I didn't mind because Toby was happy and that's all that mattered to me.

The door knocked half way through the film so I went up and got it leaving Toby to watch the film, "Lola?" I asked surprised to see my older sister at my door.

"The one and only little bro" She said proudly smiling at me, "How've you been kiddo?"
"First of all, I'm 17 not a kid and I'm good thanks" I replied slightly annoyed that she called me 'kiddo'.

"Can I come in?" My sister asked clearly getting annoyed, I wanted to mess with her and say 'no' but I didn't want her to yell at me and scare Toby so I moved to the side and let her in slamming the door closed a little too roughly, I heard a small squeal from Toby before it turned into a muffled scream.

I ran to Toby slightly guilty and hugged him tight.

Luke held me tight as I stopped screaming and calmed down, I hated it when the door slammed mainly because every time my mom came home she would slam the doors, drink and yell.

"Shhhh" I heard him say, I felt his chest slowly go down as he kept going 'shhh' to calm me down. A women walked in, she looked as though she was in her 20's, I struggled in Luke's grasp every time the lady got closer to us, "Calm down, It's just my sister..." Luke spoke softly, I calmed down a bit but was still tense.

Luke's sister had long brown hair that went just above her tail bone, the ends of her hair were dyed a violet colour, "Who's this Luke?" she asked curiously.

Luke looked at me to see if I was ok with him saying, I nodded my head.

"He's my boyfriend" He said proudly giving me a soft kiss on the nose.

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