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After that day me and Luke would always meet up after school. I found out that he does sixth-form at my school so sometimes we would meet up by a tree which was far away from people. One day me and Luke were about to head home but he stopped me where we first met.

I was confused and I didn't know what was going to happen and to be honest I thought he was about to yell at me instead of what he was going to do.

"Toby.. I.. I erm" He started but stuttered on his words. He took a deep breath and made a move. He kissed me with his soft pale pink lips. I was shocked and I lost my breath, I slowly gathered my thoughts and when I realised that Luke was kissing me I happily complied and kissed back.

After a few seconds he pulled away, "I like you like.. I really like you Toby" He admitted looking down slightly.

"I've liked you since I laid my eyes on you" I answered sheepishly, I watched as his smile grew big and reached for his ears.

He wrapped his arms around my waist holding me in a warm embrace, I kissed his head and he hummed against my head, "Does this mean you will be my boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes at his question, "No Luke it means I'm dating the man on the moon-" I said sarcastically, "Of course I will be your boyfriend!" I sighed. He kissed my head and we stayed like that for a little bit.

The sun had started to set and the sky went from blue to a fiery orange colour. We stayed there watching as the sun slowly went to bed and the moon started its night shift. My phone started to vibrate every few minutes. I decided to check my phone and of course my dad was texting me.

I read his messages.

"Where are you?"

"Answer me Toby"

"Where are you I'm worried sick"

I sighed and typed out, "Sorry I forgot to tell you I'm staying at my friends house, don't worry I'm safe, Love you dad" I pressed send and put my phone in my pocket before he responded.

"Do you mind if I stay with you for tonight?" I asked Luke slightly nervous.

"No I don't but I live alone so I only have one room and bed" He replied with a slightly awkward smile. I just shrugged my shoulders and kissed his cheek.

We got up from our spot and Luke guided me to his house. It was nice but wasn't nearly as big as our mansion, if anything it was quite the opposite, it was a bungalow. I've always liked bungalows because they had this nice welcoming feeling, "Sorry it's not much.." Luke said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's nice, I like it" We both smiled at each other before Luke gave me a small peck on the cheek and showed me around the place.

I placed my school bag on the floor next to the wardrobe, "Shoot I don't have any clothes" I muttered under my breath but Luke heard me.

"Use some of mine and you can steal some hoodies too" I giggled at Luke as I took some of his clothes and got ready for bed. When Luke went into the bathroom I grabbed his navy blue hoodie that was way too big for me and slid it on over my head. I smiled at the warmth that surrounded me from the hoodie.

When Luke came out of the bathroom I was sitting on the floor facing the bed completely zoned out thinking about my mom, "Toby you ok..?" I came back to reality when I heard Luke's voice.

"Yeah, I was just thinking of something.."

"Like what?"

"Well... I..." I started but trailed off as I felt heavy beads of salty tears slide down my face.

Luke quickly came to me and hugged me, "There's something I never told you because I was scared you would see me differently.." I started.

"What is it..?" He asked unsurely.

"W..Well I..I'm trans.. female to male and I had both top and bottom surgery a few months ago the day we met.. My dead name is 'Marley'" I explained. I still kept changing the bandages since I was nervous to not have them on.

Luke gave me the softest smile I've ever seen, "I don't care if you're trans Toby.. I love you" I smiled at his words, "Now what was you thinking about..?"

"Just my mom... She's Transphobic and Homophobic and she also had an affaire on my dad so we left her to have 'fun' with god knows who"

"I'm always going to be here for you no matter what" I looked at him and he softly left a kiss on my temple. I watched in confusion as he stood up, suddenly, I felt two strong arms scoop me up. I wrapped my arms around Luke's neck, he walked to the bed and gently lay me down, "I'll take the couch" He told me, I shook my head and held onto his arm.

"Please stay.." I mumbled tiredly. He rolled his eyes and lay next to me pulling the covers over us. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I turned on my side to face him, the last thing I remember is us giving each other a small goodnight kiss and after that my eyes got heavy and I heard Luke whisper, "Go to sleep Toby, I'm right here.." I let my self snuggle closer to him as I finally fell asleep properly.

I slept better than I had for months, I rolled over onto my other side so I was facing the window, I was cold and I remembered being warm. I tiredly flung my legs over the bed and stumbled a little. I walked to Luke who was in the small kitchen making some omlets. I smiled at him and hugged him from behind resting my cheek against his back.

He passed me a plate with an omlet on it and told me to 'go sit down' so I did. I sat down at the table and ate my breakfast zoning out every so often, everytime Luke knew I was zoning out he would hold my hand and gently squeeze it.

"It's ok" He would tell me in a soft voice.

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