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"Of course I don't care that you're trans and gay, you are who you are and it's ok to be yourself. You can love who you want to too so don't ever think I will turn out like Paige" My dad told me firmly but comfortingly.

I smiled and nodded my head at his response, "Thank you father"

He smiled and finished eating his pizza. I got up and went into the connected kitchen to get a drink, I filled the glass up with water and headed off back to my room.

"Where you going?" My Father asked.

"My room. I failed my maths and science test so I'm going to study" I finished climbing the stairs before he could reply and went into my room. I grabbed my maths book first and started looking through the notes I made in class.

By the time I had finished it was dark outside, the crickets were singing and the owls were hooting and foxes were calling.

My door slowly opened with a creak.

"Toby get to bed, and don't forget to take off your binder" My father said. I flinched not knowing he was there. I sighed and nodded my head, I closed my books and shoved them into my school bag. My dad stayed leaning against the doorframe. I got up and pushed him away gently and closed the door. I heard him laugh as he turned away and walked to his room.

I went into the walk in closet and got my loose pjs, I tiredly walked into the bathrrom and got changed. I took off my binder and put on my pijama shirt then I took off everything else and replaced them with fresh clothes.

I climbed into my bed and turned on the light that projected stars onto the ceiling. My eyes looked at each and every one and my ears listened to all of mother nature's noises outside. My eyes started to get heavy and they eventually closed. I curled up onto a ball on my side hugging my knees.

The early morning sun was galring at me through the blinds as my eyes slowly opened. I rolled onto my back and stayed like that for a while.

Another day at school I sighed at the thought and forced my legs to carry me to the bathroom so I could get ready. It was nice not to be woken up by Paige yelling me using the wrong name. I lazily threw on my binder along with my school uniform.

I walked down the stairs to see my father sitting at the breakfast bar drinking a coffee and reading a book, his reading glasses were falling down so he lifted them up without taking his eyes off of his book.

"Ehem" I faked a coughed.

"Good morning Toby- What are you wearing?" He said the asked.

"I'm wearing my school uniform?" I stated but it sounded like a question.

"I know that son I'm not that blind" He paused as he saw me raise my eyebrows in questioning, he rolled his eyes, "Anyways, it's saturday and I'm taking you to the barbers remember?"

I thought for a moment before face palming myself, I nodded my head and ran up the stairs slipping a few times. I ran into the bathroom and put on my black over sized hoodie on that had a red stripe going down the right arm sleeve and a white stripe going down the left arm sleeve, I threw on some denim loose jeans and ran down the stairs excitedly. I didn't bother with my beanie since I was going to get my hair cut anyways.

We stepped out into the cold autumn morning, I hurried to the car since my entire body was already freezing cold. My father did the same and as soon as he turned the engine on I turned up the heater to make the car toasty warm. My father drove to the barbers and I explained how I wanted my hair.

"Cut short and fluffy, shaved a little at the back just to blend it in and give it some shape please" I suggested. The man nodded his head and started working on my hair.

When we were finished my father paid the man, his name was Richard, "Thank you Richard" My father said as they shook hands.

I went and waited in the car for my father, he came in the car just a few minutes after me.

"Next stop the hospital" He declaired. I smiled uncontrollably as my father drove to the hospital. There were a lot of people.

People in the waiting area, people in clean white rooms and of course people who worked there.

"Hello how may I help you?" The nice lady at the desk asked my father.

"I booked an appointment for Toby, Toby Howard" He replied.

The nice lady (Carol) typed something before speaking again, "Ah yes, surgery top and bottom I believe?"

My father nodded his head. Carol gave us a piece of paperwork for my father to sign whilst we waited. Once my father filled in the paperwork we were called in by Nurse Pepper.

"I'll be doing your surgery today and don't worry, I've done this many times" She assured me.

I nodded my head and followed her instructions. I remember my father having to be sent out then I must have fell asleep.

I woke up to my father and nurse talking next to my bed, I yawned and sat up, "Do I have a peni-" My dad put his hand over my mouth before I could finish my sentence. They told me I would be a little loopy after just waking up.

"Yes bud you do now sit back and rest for a little"

I yawned and nodded at my father. I rested my head against the cold white wall as I felt tired again and fell limp as I went back to sleep.

"Alright I'll let him know" My father said as he turned to come back into the room.

"We are free to leave kiddo"

I smiled tiredly at him, "Can you carry me? Please?"

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