"No! That can't be! Shouldn't we tell this to everyone? For their safety too!"

He nod, "You are right! Okay go and tell them and I will stay here to look for him..." he said.

You nod and quickly unlocked the door and go out. Yeonjun was standing there already, "Yeo-Yeonjun..."

He looks at you before looking at San just with his eyes. He seems unhappy.

"Why you have to lock the door?" he looks at you, "with him..."

"I'll tell you later... but we saw Wooyoung and he wasㅡ"

He held your hand, "No, I want to know it first if what are you doing with San while the door is locked?"

"I said I will tell you laterㅡ"

"No, tell me now"

"Yeonjun please... don't think something else. It wasn't that importantㅡ"

"WELL IT IS IMPORTANT TO ME!" he said in anger, "Seeing the both of you? together? here? but the door was locked? Of course, I would care!"

You sigh, "Just... trust me..." you said and held his hand but he shoved it away and walkaway. You sigh and look at San and he just look away from you.

You feel bad and walk downstairs. Everybody was busy and noisy, so nobody knew that Yeonjun shouted. He was happily singing with Beomgyu and Hueningkai but you can tell that he is just pretending. He was upset because of you and he glare at you before starting to sing.

You sigh and went to the Kitchen to look for you Dad.



"Uhm... I saw Wooyoung outside andㅡ" your Dad suddenly panicked but you were just chill because Yeonjun bothers you more than the situation.

"Tell the guards! Everybody stay here inside and please help the maids to lock everything!" he said and headed outside.

Everyone rush and Beomgyu helps Taehyun to turn off the game, the karaoke and stuffs. Everyone was alert and the situation suddenly hits you.

You held his wrist, "Dad... please be careful..." you look worriedly.

He nod and smile before kissing your forehead, "I will, Hun! Don't worry... call your Mom with my phone and tell them that kid is here" he said and you nod. He quickly went outside with his gun and guard the front door.

San also headed downstairs and everyone looks at him.

"Where have you been?" Taehyun asked.

"We saw Wooyoung upstairs" he said.

Soobin was confused, "We?"

Yeonjun smirked and glare at San, "Yeah... he and Y/N... on their room and the door was locked" he said. You glare at Yeonjun because he was being mean to you. He looks at you and smirked, "Am I wrong?!" he asked you.

Sona looks at you and trying to read the situation, "Ma-Maybe... uhm... maybe the door suddenly locked!" she tried to make unreasonable excuse, "cause when I slammed the door really hard, it suddenly locked!"

"It can be but let we say... the door can really be locked suddenly if you will slam the door really hard... then why they will slam the door that hard? For what, right Y/N?"

You lose your temper and get mad, "Are you gone mad? Are you hearing what you were saying right now?" you said, "You were accusing me to something that I did not do!!!" you said.

"I haven't say anything, so why are you being so defensive?" Yeonjun calmly said and smirked at you.

"You're being ridiculous..." you said and holding back your tears.

"Am I being ridiculous?" he asked coldly.

You just did not answer him and went to the vacant bedroom downstairs. Sona followed you and when she comes in, you locked the door.

You cry so hard when Sona hugged you, "Y/N... don't cry..." she said.

"I didn't do anything bad... why is he thinking that way?"

Sona hugged you more gently, "Maybe he was just so jealous and overthinking..."

Right after you left the living room. Everyone was awkward and nobody was speaking, not even Yeonjun. He sat down and feeling so upset yet feel bad for treating you like that.

"She did nothing" San finally spoke, "I did... and you must feel really bad for her to treating her just like that..." he said.

Everyone looks at him including Yeonjun.

He stood up and walk closer to San, "Oh really?! I must feel bad after I saw you with my girlfriend and knowing that the door was locked?"

"She did nothing bad that makes you act like this... if only you listen to her first"

"But she keeps refusing to tell me"

"Because I told her not to... but she said that she will tell you"

"Tell me what?"

San bravely look at Yeonjun in the eye, "that I liked her" he said, "Liked... it means, I used to like her but not anymore and I felt awkward with her from the moment I started liking her..."

"And what makes me feel bad if you tell me this?"

San smirked, "You should feel bad for treating her that way because she loves you so much" he said, "You were acting like this because of jealousy and yet you forgot that you trust her fully"

Yeonjun was a bit feel bad, "Then why you have to locked the door?"

"She freaked out when she saw Wooyoung and she started screaming and I followed her because I was about to tell her that I called the police just to stop Wooyoung but because she saw me after she saw Wooyoung, she thought we planned everything. So, for you guys not to freaked out. I dragged her inside and locked the door and that was the only thing happened... I only explain everything to her just to calm her down because she was freaking out and screaming..."

"We didn't hear it..." Soobin said.

Taehyun nod, "possible... because we are too noisy and having fun"

"She even call for your name, Yeonjun" San said, "When she thought I planned this together with Wooyoung... she called your name and ask for help"

Yeonjun was silent.

"She did not do anything bad. You were just thinking that she did... you have to listen to her explanations before jumping to the conclusions" he said.

"I got wrong too..." Yeonjun said, "I freaked out and get too jealous..."

"That can happen" Soobin said and tap Yeonjun's shoulder, "Taehyun used to get jealous of me because I was close to Sona" he said.

Taehyun, Beomgyu and Hueningkai laughed because they remembered it.

Yeonjun looks at San, "sorry for getting mad..."

"That's okay..." he smile, "I don't mind and I'm not upset but Y/N does... so, go and talk to her! We all need to work together for stopping Wooyoung and that will be hard for us to do this all together if both of you are in bad terms"

"He got a point" Hueningkai said and nod.

Yeonjun sigh and nod before walking to the door where you went in. He knocked from the door but nobody was answering. He knock once again.

"Y/N, can we talk?" he said and knock once again, "Sona? Can you open this?" no one answered.

Yeonjun went back to the living room, "No one was answering" he said and look for the maid, "Excuse me, can I have the door keys for the one vacant room here?" he said.

The maid nod and get the keys. She handed the keys to Yeonjun and he headed back again to the bedroom and open the door.

He open the door widely and his eyes widened.

「 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 」txt yeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now