Mine forever.

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Tristan woke up before Guen he noticed they were both nakedly wrapped up in the sheets together, last night was a blur but he could already tell what went down last night.

He had a small headache and he just felt really terrible he shouldn't have let this happen while he was still mourning seol he felt like such a bad person.

He slowly got up trying to get out of bed but also not trying to wake her, he knew she had these deep feelings for him but he just didn't feel the same way as Guen did, besides he still wasn't over seol.

'I don't understand why I let this happen..last night I'm not into her..like that how could I even let this happen did I get too drunk? Whatever this cannot happen again' he thought.

She grabbed his arm whispering. "Where are you going?" Guen noticed he was trying to leave but she wouldn't let him she pulled him back into bed and hugged him tightly. "You cannot leave.." she said all sleepily.

"I'm sorry I have to I have a lot of things to take care of with my job so I can't stay..but we have to talk about some things..when I'm back okay?" He told her getting out of bed and putting on his clothes.

She got up and looked at him, "do you have to leave?" Guen said pouting at him. "Look Guen..last night was a mistake..it definitely cannot happen again I got way too drunk and things got out of hand we can't ever do what we did last night you're my fan..that's it."

"Are you serious?" She said annoyed. "I was here for you in your time of need when you were mourning over that bitch seol and what I'm just your fan? How can you treat me like this? You used me! You used me to make yourself feel better and now you just wanna leave? Your not leaving."

"Your crazy! I never used you at all you're the one who insisted of having me come over to your house you planned this whole thing! You wanted this to happen..I should've never let this happen."

"Your right you shouldn't have but your going to keep having this kind of relationship with me or else your whole career and reputation will be ruined I promise you, once your fans and everyone in the whole entire world sees our sex tape Between a fan and you the top singer? You're done for."

"Are you really black mailing me right now? I thought we were friends? You don't do this to someone you care about if you actually cared about me you wouldn't be like this at all this isn't love this is a obsession you're crazy and delusional you do not love me you're obsessed."

"You said I'm just a fan so clearly you didn't think about me as your friend you don't even care about my feelings either you're so hypocritical you knew how I felt all a long and you still leaded me on and let this happen..you clearly love me back too and you know you do so just admit it your just as obsessed with me as I am with you."

"No Im leaving." He said running to the door, but before he could leave she hit him in the head with a bat, he fell to the floor and started to bleed from his head.

He held his head in pain, "why are you doing this seriously? Why me?"

"Your the chosen one I can't let you go you're mine forever, no one will ever get in the way of us baby..that's why I had to kill seol so I can have you all to myself..finally it's happening."

"What..." he said tears pouring down his face. "I mean you made things very hard for me if you had just accepted my feelings in the first place none of this would've happened..and well seol she..got in the way so I'm afraid she needed to die."

She grabbed the rope, "whatever I didn't wanna do this but now it's gonna be the hard way you should have just listened I don't understand why you didn't listen to me." She tied him up and dragged him to her basement. "Don't worry I will take care of you I won't harm you..I could never harm you I love you too much..I just need you to cooperate with me."

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