gone missing.

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TC had felt bad that he went off on seol after all he still had deep feelings for her so he thought he would make it up to her so he decided to surprise by her by stopping by her dorm. when he got there though he met with her roommate instead. 

"hey uh where is seol?" he asked confused. "she isn't here..i have been so worried about her usually she would call me or text me if she was leaving for more than a day but she hasn't and that rarely happens so i thought she is maybe with her parents and that she might have forgotten to text or call but it's strange and not like her you should probably call her parents"

"right okay hold on" he takes out his phone and presses her moms number and waits while it starts to ring. 

"hello?" seol's mother says on the other line. "hey ms lee it's tristan i was wondering if seol was with you she hasn't been returning messages or calls to me or her roommate and we both got really worried about her we were just calling to make sure she was safe with you..."

"tristan hi it has been awhile i can't believe i am finally hearing from you again and i thought my daughter was going to college everyday with her roommate what are you talking about? she is not there with her roommate?"

"no ms kim we thought she would be with you since she hasn't been here for a couple of days she didn't even return our calls and text messages it's worrying me a lot." 

"if my daughter isn't with me or you both then where the hell is my daughter it is not like her to just run away did something happen between you two? i know about your dating history with my daughter so did you two get into a fight?"

"we did get into a fight but i felt really bad and i wanted to make up for it but she wouldn't answer her messages or calls and i don't know where she is." 

"i am going to have to file a missing case against my daughter this is serious if she hasn't texted or called neither one of you for a couple of days..or even answered my messages and calls then something happened to my daughter i need to find her no matter what." ms kim said upset and hanging up the phone. 

"what did she say?" jinnie asked tristan. "she said she is going to file a missing report for seol...i think this is more serious than we thought seol might be missing..."

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