I finally meet you.

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Guen Lin's diary entry 4.

It was finally my turn I've waited so long and I didn't expect finally now it would happen, it's happening alright I'm meeting FREAKING TC.

Oh God it was so exciting but I was so nervous at the same time I was finally meeting my destiny.

Yes he was my destiny.

I greeted him with hello at first and I couldn't help myself I complimented him every chance I got his looks, his music, everything I told him he was very talented.

I saw him blush and honestly it was the cutest thing.

I kind of flirted with him a bit but of course I knew not to over do it.

He seemed to be liking it as well.

You have to know how to sweet talk and flirt but you can't over do it especially if it's with a celebrity if you ever meet one that is.

I asked him if he could follow me on Instagram and I told him I DM'D him.

He didn't mind and he followed me back which made me so happy I almost cried actual tears.

He liked my DM and told me he would try and talk to me when he wasn't busy he seemed to really like our conversation we both talked about our hobbies and interests.

We had similar hobbies and interests. Like our love for the genre horror, tbh I was so happy because I felt like it would definitely work out because of our connection we shared.

I told him I'd be at his concert later on as well and he said if he saw me he would definitely say hi again.

I don't know why I felt so turned on by him but i couldn't wait for the concert later.

Even though our conversation wasn't very long because of the limited time I had with him every thing we talked about was so worth it.

Finally later on I touched up and got my tickets for the concert I gave it to the person handling tickets and I went inside the arena to take my seat I had gotten the closer seat to him.

When the concert started we were so calm but we started singing loudly and everybody was waving their lights around and having a good time.

I know I was, the crowd had amazing energy and it felt warm and it also felt like this very safe space.

There was some crazy girls who tried to jump up on stage with him but they were kicked out , such obsessed bitches.

Anyway I know I'm not like that and that he actually likes me and not them so I didn't have to worry about girls like that.

After the concert finished I walked up to him while he was drinking water and I said hello again.

We had another small conversation about him and the concert I asked him how he felt preforming for the first time and he told me he was nervous but I told him he did well.

I was saving the present I had for him till at the ending of the concert and since it was finally the end I handed him his present.

He seemed really happy I was glad to make his night just like he made mine.

He told me I didn't have to get him anything but nonsense I fell in love with him even more tonight It was so special he deserved it.

He thanked me and told me to get home safe and well I did something that maybe was a bit much? But I kissed him on the cheek.

He didn't stop me like he did with the other girls and that's how I knew he definitely felt the same way I did for him and I would make my next move sometime soon....

- guen Lin

Crazy obsession.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora