If i cant have you no one can.

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Guen added a tracking device to seol phone while they were at the cafe, she knew what needed to be done if she and TC we're going to be together.

Guen searched seol on Facebook and to her surprise she found her profile she scrolled through but there was not much there. "What a boring bitch." Guen said laughing.

"This is who you like seriously? You could do better just you wait and see." She said looking at TC'S picture on her wall.

"Don't worry TC you will be all mine very soon I just have to get rid of her first" she said smiling.

She grabbed her knife and checked the location that seol would be at.

Even though seol seemed like a bitch she was actually somewhat of a good person.

She helped old people at the shelter whenever she could and since her father was filthy rich she could really do a lot of helping.

Guen met seol inside the bathroom of the shelter.

"What are you doing here?" Seol asked Guen.

"I volunteer here same as you of course."

"Impossible I know everyone here and I've never seen you around ever until today how the hell did you even find me..? I knew you were a weird bitch from the start."

"Well..I guess you found me out but that's too bad because you won't really be able to tell anyone about it."


Guen didn't say anything she grabbed seol by the hair pulling her on the floor.

Seol tried to fight back but struggled as Guen was stronger, Guen slapped her. "Calm down you bitch."

Seol tried to scream but Guen put the knife to her neck. "If you fucking scream I will cut your throat you got that bitch?"

Seol cried and struggled but of course Guen wouldn't let her escape.

"Please let me go..." Seol said barely able to talk.

"I can't..TC is mine and only mine the moment you got in the middle of us..is the moment you ruined you're life."

"You're crazy.."

"Oh yeah?"

Guen stabbed the knife in her throat watching the blood spill out, but that wasn't enough Guen stabbed her multiple times in her stomach over and over while the blood splashed all over her face and lips and all over the floor.

"Oh god.." she said looking at the floor. "It's such a mess.." she licked the blood off her lips, "hmm..you taste a little bitter.." she said looking at seol who was already dead.

She got up and sighed.

"If only you hadn't gotten in the way but that's all over now isn't it?" Guen asked the dead body.

"Oh wait I forgot you're a corpse now..and you can't speak.." she said laughing loudly.

Guen washed off her bloody hands and then her face.

She changed clothes and finished what she was doing.

Guen put seol body in the body bag zipped it up and dragged her body out putting it inside the trunk. "I'm going to have to dismember you later so that no one can find out about this."

She drives home and parks her car in the back of her garage.

She goes inside and goes straight to her bedroom going to sleep like a baby acting like nothing ever happened.

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