Chapter 61: Britainization, Part 2

Start from the beginning

You both decide to go to Victoria's Secret several blocks away, opting to start walking off that massive breakfast you just had. When you arrive, you ask for what they have in emerald green.

"That his favorite color?" Stella asks.

"No, it's actually blue," you say. "hey do you have any blue green?"

"Hold on, let me see what we have," the clerk smiles and leaves to check.

"You seem to buy a lot of that stuff," she says softly. "Do you wear it?"

You are looking on a rack, but you are thinking of the previous night:

"It's tomorrow," Henry said softly and pinned you against the door to kiss you.

You instinctively put your arms around him, welcoming his kiss, his touch. You raise your leg and he semi squats to help you wrap it around him. You both pulled at each other's clothes hungry to feel skin to skin, your kisses passionate and breathy. You pulled your sweater over your head as he wrapped your other leg around his hips, kissing your chest and licking the skin between your breasts that your bra left exposed. He carried you up the steps to your loft bedroom and laid you on the bed, pulling your jeans off. He smiled at your navy blue bra and panty set. He returned to kissing you, and you pull at his sweater as he unbuckles his belt, slid it off and threw it carelessly on the floor. He slid his jeans off, and stood in nothing but boxer briefs that did not hide his arousal. He crushed you into the sheets and you arched to him, wanting nothing more than to feel him...

"It's a lot easier to always wear bra and panty sets," you joke softly.

"How many do you have?"

"Uh....I really don't know?" you answer honestly.

After getting lingerie and clothes, you catch the tube to Angel Central Mall, and do some shopping there. You feel terrible that there isn't time for a mani pedi, so you find a massage place that does shoulders and neck, promising to do a pamper session on another day.

As you both ride the tube back to Brixton, you look at the sights out of the window, try to remember the exchanges. You are so grateful to Stella for being your friend, smiling at her as she steals a nap during the ride. You notice that some young people are staring at you. You sigh. You may be recognized, you have to get used to that. 

Back in Brixton, you make your way back to your flats.

"There were people staring at you?" Stella gasps "Why didn't you wake me?"

"There was no danger," you tell her smoothly.

"Why haven't you posted yet?"


"Why haven't you posted yet?"

"I post all the time—"

"Never pictures of yourself, though."

"Even before I dated Henry, I never posted much about my love life online," you shrug. "My s/o's asked to take pictures, so I didn't deny them, but I'm not big on my love life on social media. Special occasions or requests sure but—"

"I get it, you like that your relationship is between you and Henry, not you, the world and Henry."

"Yeah, it's more intimate that way," you smile. "and besides, it's lots easier if there is a breakup."

"Breakup?!" Stella chortled. "Break up? You and Henry? I don't think so." She pauses and turns you around in mid walk. "I've seen how he looks at you. He has no intention of letting you go."

"I know," you nod. "I've had the rug ripped out from under me before, that's all."

"You have?" she asks. "How bad?"

"Engaged," you shrug. "he thought the ring on my finger, though not the marriage one, meant he could treat me any way he wanted. He cheated, he was like he thought the commitment gave him carte blanche to act up."

"That's shitty."

"Yeah," you shake your head. "Rings can be a symbol of love that will never end, but for some it is ownership or cuffs."

"Kinda dark, there."

"Sorry, it's in the past, and I'm over it, but I learned that commitments mean different things to different people." You take a deep breath. "It's been a long time since I've felt this way, Stella."

"What do you mean?"

"The last time I was in love was my ex-fiancee," you tell her. "and that was a long, long, time ago."

"So you are in love with Henry!" she cheers.

"Yeah, of course, I am!" you laugh at her. "He's intelligent and fun, has a good degree of common sense. He's a natural leader and he is protective of and warm to those he loves. I need that, all of it."

"He's not bad looking either!"

"His looks can only go so far," you shrug. "I've dated men who were good looking, even a model and athlete. You'd be surprised how little that all matters if they are thick or coldhearted. Or even worse, a man with money who thinks he can treat you any way he wants because he buys you things--"


"Yeah..." you giggle, realizing you're using a British term. "thick."

You both drop your stuff and go back to Market Row, Stella to work and you to do more shopping. Upi check out some of the surrounding stores, hoping for some really special finds that could liven up or make you feel more unique.

You finally make your last huge purchase: a bicycle. You head to Brixton Bikes for that, and get the lights, the helmet, anything you need. Strapping your bags to the rack in back and no longer a single walking moving target, you head home.

Just as you get a good stride on, your Bluetooth starts to play the instrumental version of "Addicted to Love." You smile, clicking on. "Hey, love."

"Hey....are you out and about?"

"About to head home," you say.

"By yourself?"

"On my new bike," you tell him. He is quiet. Ooh, that's not good. "Sounds like you're in pub."

"Yeah, just for a pint with friends," he says. "I just wanted to see how your day went."

"Pretty well, but we didn't have time for spa," you say. "but I did find some nice things."

"Good, glad to hear it," he says. "I'll stay on till you get home."

"Awwwww." Some men sigh dramatically in the background.

"Shut up!" Henry laughs.

You talk until you are safely inside your studio. "Alright, I'm locked up tight." You feed Luna.

"Good," he exhales. "they say it isn't safe for women—"

"I am a moving target now, Henry."

"Alright, alright," he exhales heavily. "Talk to you later?"

"Definitely," you sigh, sitting on your couch and starting to unpack your purchases. "Love you."

"I love you, too." He purrs, earning another round of catcalls from his friends. He laughs.

"Good night." You shake your head at him and his friends.

"Good night."

The first forty-eight hours in your studio have been anything but calm, but now there is quiet. After unpacking your things and washing them for wear, you finally get ready to go to sleep. You take a shower and make your way up the steps to bed. It suddenly looks too big to you. You suddenly notice there is something under your covers. You pull them back and find the t-shirt he wore under his sweater last night. You squeal and throw off your nightshirt, trading it for this one. His scent surrounds you as you pull it over your head and you fall on the bed, your impact setting off the scent of him in your bed. You inhale with a smile as Luna jumps up and sleeps at the foot of the bed opposite you, where she usually nestles by Henry's feet. You look at each other and you sigh dreamily, closing your eyes and letting sleep claim you.

If He Was Your Fan (A Henry Cavill Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now