Double Trouble

222 0 2

17th February 1990

Rosie's POV

My shivering frame jerks and twitches despite the effort to ignore the nagging urges to be sick. My stomach churns and twists with sensitivity, the lumps slowly creeping up. Desperately, my hand rubs soothing circles in my abdomen, hoping it will help the uneasy feeling disappear. "Hey, you alright babe? you don't look so good" I breathe deep for a moment, my dry cracked lips smacking together. I blow a blast of cool air onto my clammy hot face which is shimmering with sweat "Uhm". "Babe?" My tongue tries to get the words out but the lumps force their way to the back of my mouth "Ughh". I clamp my hand round my mouth and clamber over his lap, heading up the aisle "Rosie?!?". I make it to the bathroom door on the plane, attempting to swing the door open but it's locked. My fist pounds on the door until it swings open and Dave hovers in front of me "Rosie you okay?". "Unghh" I force myself through the tiny gap and stumble to my knees. I wretch and hurl the lumps into the empty toilet, my hand still clutching my stomach for dear life. "Jon!!" Dave shouts for Jon who is still sitting in his seat chatting to Richie "What is it?". There's a short pause before I feel a warm hand caress the length of my back ", You okay babe?". Gasp, It stops for a moment before more lumps come pouring from my lips "It's okay just let it all out". Jon is the type of person who loves to look after people, he's so loving and caring to the people he loves. I come to an abrupt stop, puffing and panting into his fluffy warm chest "Probably... just... Travel sickness". I scold myself for lying, knowing fine well it isn't travel sickness. The last thing I want to do is tell him the truth right now, after all, I've not long been back. 

. . .

A few hours have passed and we've just pulled up to the place they're going to do the show. "We're gonna have to take you around the back" Jon ruffles his brows together with confusion as he leans forward "Why not just get out here?". The driver scoffs in amazement and glances over his shoulder at him "By all means, if you wanna get mobbed...". "Mobbed?" He launches himself over Richie's lap and peers out the window "HOLY SHIT!!". "Yeah, I was scared to tell ya kid" Jon slumps back in his seat and combs his hand through his unruly mane "How we gonna get back out?". "I'm sure Doc will think of something Jon" I sneakily roll my eyes at Richie's choice of words. How they can all put their faith in Doc is beyond me. He has worked them all dry to the point of exhaustion and they'll keep working because they don't want to let anyone down. 

A long while later, the door blasts open and they all strut in, giggling and cackling amongst themselves. "Was it a good one guys?" Richie nods excitedly and the others join in, each of them showing enthusiasm "It was great...". "Yeah... guys can we go home yet?!" Alec huffs out and drops into the seat "Cmon Alec lighten up a little". Jon plants himself right next to me on the sofa, draping his arm over my shoulder. "Beer Jon? Rosie?" Richie holds out a bottle each for us with a wide smile "Gimme that". Jon yanks them out of his hand and cracks them open "Here babe". "Oh... no thanks.. I'll just have water" He scoffs in amazement and ruffles his brows together "Since when do you pass up a beer?". "Since now... I just... don't want a beer okay?" He raises his hands in defence and guzzles some of the beer down "Okay okay... don't throw a fit honey". 

A flick of a small flame catches my attention when Richie, Alec, and T all light up a cigarette each. I puff and pant under my breath, trying to hold my breath so I don't breathe in the smoke. "Hey... pass me a ciggy Rich" Richie tosses a cigarette right into Jon's palm and he immediately lights it up. "Uhm... I need the bathroom". Before anyone has a chance to stop me... I sprint into the bathroom and lock the door so no one can come in. For the first time in a month, I have some time to myself, away from them. I release a sigh of relief into the air as my head tips back. 

*BANG BANG* "Babe can I come in for a sec?" I huff out a sigh and hesitantly unlock the door, letting him stroll in. For some reason, I turn away and face the mirror. I can't seem to look him in the eyes because If I do, I know I'll end up telling him my secret. "Hmm... baby... what's up? you've been actin weird" He circles his strong arms around my waist and nuzzles his chin into the crook of my neck "Just... want the tour to be over Jon... tired". "Are you sure that's all it is?... there's nothin else buggin ya?" My breath catches in my throat when he nibbles on my sweet spot "Uhm... what?". My mind is wiped blank as he continues to distract me from my thoughts. "So stiff baby... you need to relax" I exhale a breath of air when he shuffles my shirt off my shoulders, leaving them bare. His soft, warm hands clamp over my shoulders and start massaging them gently "You like that baby?". My lips smack together, searching for any words I can offer. 

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