New Identity

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3rd January 1986 New Jersey 

Rosie's POV 

My eyes jolt open, my body jerking as I let out a deafening scream "JOOONNNNNN" Panting and gasping for breaths. "Hey.... It's alright I'm here" His gentle voice soothing me while he cages me in his warm embrace, settling my nerves. My head nuzzles into his chest, cooing as he rubs circles in my back. He continues to whisper sweet nothings in my ear causing me to melt into him. "What were you dreaming about?" Whispering as he combs his fingers through my hair "I dreamt you went away again" Crying out my words into his chest. A deep sigh slips from his lips before he plants a soft kiss on the top of my head "I'm not goin anywhere I promise" .... "Well I'm goin on tour in a few months but that's it" His words causing me to burst out into giggles. He pulls away and takes my face in his hands, stroking my tears away with his thumbs "You alright?" I sniffle up my tears before slowly nodding. Before he even has a chance to move away, I wrap my arms round his torso, nuzzling my head into his chest with a sweet sigh. Cooing as I listen to the rhythmic thumping of his heart "I can hear your heart beat" A gentle laugh bursts from his mouth, his breaths blowing against my hair. "Jon..." My voice soft and gentle as I pull away to look him in the eyes "Yeah?" His intense blue oceans searching mine. I am dying for him to know, I'm desperate, I need him to know that I love him. "I-- I L---" My head drops with a sigh, I can't bring myself to say it, knowing he hasn't said whether he loves me. "Whatever it is honey... you can tell me" Lifting my chin so my gaze meets his. There was  silence that lasted an eternity while my head and my heart internally battled against one another. In the end my head won out "It's nothing" Feeling totally defeated. "Are you sure?" His eyes were desperately searching mine, as if he almost knew what I was going to say. My most convincing smile stretched across my face "Yeah... It's nothing".   

Jon's POV 

"Hey Doc..." Shouting down the phone to him. "Hey Jonny How you doin kidd?" He sounds like he's in a good mood, which may or may not change after I've asked him this favour. "I'm great.... Listen I need a huge favour... No questions asked" , "What kinda favour kidd?" His wary voice echoing through the phone. "I need a birth certificate, passport and ID and there's gonna be an extra person on tour with us from now on" , "And who is this for?" Sighing as he trails off. "A friend... I invited her on tour but there was a fire and she lost all of her stuff" Not wanting to give away too much, "I'm gonna need a little more than that if you want this kidd, name, date of birth, place of birth" Giggling as he trails off. "Right... Of course.... Her name is Amelia Rose Walker.... June 2nd 1962.... Born in.... London England" , "Okay.... Uhhh I can't put it down as born in England so It's gonna have to be somewhere here" Inwardly groaning with frustration. "Okay make it New Jersey.." , "Alright I'll need a photo of her" Tapping my fingers against the wall as the boredom sets in. "I can get a photo for you tomorrow" , "You're gonna owe me big for this one kidd"  His words echoing through my mind like a plague. "You keep this quiet... don't tell a soul and I'll do anythin you want Doc" There was a long silence before he broke it "Hey you have my word, I won't tell anybody and I can add extra shows to the next tour.... I'm gonna work you guys hard kidd". 

After my phone call with Doc I was straight on the phone to my mom, hoping I can lure her in to help me. "Hey ma, It's me", "Hey son, How you doin?" Her voice never fails to make me smile. "I'm great Ma, I actually took your advice and invited Rosie over" There was a loud shriek of excitement down the phone which caused me to burst out laughing. "That's great honey" , "She'll be here tomorrow morning.... Umm I was wonderin if you could take her out tomorrow... take her clothes shopping?" Biting my lip nervously while I waited for her response. "Doesn't she have clothes Jonny? why does she need to go shopping?" , "Uhhh well.... Her clothes were.....destroyed..... In a house fire so she doesn't have any" Quickly spitting out the first thing that popped into my head. "Are you Joking Jonny coz this isn't very funny" She sounds pretty agitated "No Honest Ma" , "She's not taking advantage of you is she? she's not using you?" My eyes roll round at hearing her suggestion. "She doesn't even know I'm doing this, she'll probably kill me when she finds out.... I just wanna do somethin nice for her.... Please... Just take her to all the nice shops, I'll give her my card... I'll drop you guys off and pick you both up after a few hours". "Alright Alright I'll do it... I hope she's worth all this Jon" , "She is Mom, You'll see when you meet her, she's great.... So I'll pick you up about midday tomorrow then take you guys to the mall". 

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