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31st/1st June 2015 London 

"You miss me honey?" His husky voice echoes through the room, immediately silencing her sobs. She slowly lifts her head up to see Jon standing there, before she can even process the information her feet are racing over to him. She leaps into his arms, her legs bent as he swings her gently in the air. "I thought I lost you....I thought you were gone" Her voice breaking under the weight of her emotions. "Hey....It's alright....I'm still here....It didn't work" His voice soft and gentle while he rubs circles in her back. "We'll think of something....I promise" Sniffling up her tears before pulling away. He slowly places her back down on the ground, swiping her tears away with his thumbs "You alright?". "Yeah...Just embarrassed" Attempting to look away from him only for him to keep her gaze on his with his hands. "Why you embarrassed?" Furrowing his brows together in confusion, "I didn't want you to see me like this....You must think I'm so pathetic". "No honey....I don't...But just try not to get too used to me being here....because I won't be here forever" She sniffled up her tears "I don't mean to sound harsh darlin, but you deserve the truth". "I know...I promise I will get you home.....I actually have a plan b for that" His brows furrowed together in confusion, she hadn't told him about a plan b. "I'll tell you about it tomorrow because it's a long story" She quickly added in after seeing his puzzled expression. 

A little while later, they are back at her apartment, laying in her bed chatting away. "Do you wanna play a game?" His ears perked up at her suggestion "What kinda game?" He is always up for playing games. "So we have to tell each other two true facts about ourselves and then a lie about ourselves then the other person has to figure out which one is a lie" She enjoyed playing this game, it is a great way to get to know each other. "Yeah alright" Nodding through his words in response "Okay, I'll go first" ..... "Ummm I once had a dog called cocaine.... I used to be a real adrenaline junkie and I'm a great whistler" Cocking her brow at him, giving him, her best poker face. A quiet giggle escapes his lips, clearly amused by her statements "Uhhhh..... adrenaline junkie is a lie?". She suddenly made the sound a game show makes when you say the wrong answer "Sorry rock star... wrong answer". His jaw dropped open, he can't believe she was an adrenaline junkie, she certainly doesn't look like one. "Uhhh dog called cocaine?" She shook her head in response to his answer, again earning a shocked expression from him. "You can't whistle?" He exclaimed in shock "Nope...Never been able to whistle" Sighing through her words. "Man...I'll have to teach you how to whistle....anyhow tell me about this adrenaline junkie stuff" , "I can't believe you're shocked by that...Jon I have a motorbike for god sakes" Giggling as she trails off "It was when I was going through my angry phase and I wanted a rush so instead of taking drugs, I started doing other crazy shit like skydiving and racing people with my motorbike and shit like that and that dog was the best...I'd be walking him in the park and whenever I'd call his name out, I'd get so many funny looks from people" He couldn't help but laugh at her story. 

"Okay you're turn" , "Uhhh.... I was 12 when I first had sex.... I was fired from my job at a store for turning up the music too loud and I'm really good at cooking". She was silent for a moment while she thought through his statements "Umm the first one?" He slowly shook his head in response, earning a shocked expression from Amy. "You were 12?" Her jaw dropping open "Yeah..." Shrugging through his words, as if it weren't such a big deal. "Uhh Alright... Hmm cooking?" A quiet laugh burst from his lips before nodding "I can cook a mean grilled cheese but I'm afraid that's about it". 

They continued to play the game until they both fell asleep in each others arms. This is their usual routine now, it's very rare that they sleep in different rooms but all they did was talk until their eyes gave way. They know each other really well by now and there is certainly a very strong attraction to each other and their personalities just mesh well together but they are both so reluctant to give in to their feelings considering he was going to be leaving, it wouldn't be fair on either of them to fall in love then be ripped apart. So they never give in and simply remain friends.  

The Music Time Machine -- Jon Bon Jovi Fan FicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang