Meet the family

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21st February 1986 / New Jersey

Jon's POV

"Babe?! Can ya come here for a sec?" My voice echoing through the bathroom as I swipe my hand across my beard. She hums away to herself as she slides into the bathroom "Yeah?". "What do you think? should I shave it off?" massaging my hairy chin as I intensely gaze at my reflection in the mirror. She shuffles round so she's in front of me, taking a moment to scan my face. My head tips back, groaning with bliss when she starts lightly scratching my hairy chin "That feels good". "I like it baby.... you look hot.... it makes you look older" My brows knit together with concern and worry "Old?!?". "Not old.... just..... older... ya know.... I mean you are technically 30 years older than me" A devilish grin curves her lips. I huff out a sigh, my jaw clenching with frustration, she knows I hate it when she brings that up "I'm shavin it!!". "NO!! Baby.... I'm sorry... just leave it on for abit longer...... Pleaseeeeee" Batting her lashes at me enticingly "Hmmm fine.... but don't bring that up again... I mean it". "I'm sorry...." Whispering into a sweet delicate kiss, humming as she pulls away. 

The ringing of the house phone blares through the apartment, ripping us apart. I jog out the bathroom, just making it to the phone before it goes off. 


"Hey Jonny"

"Ma.... how you doin? I was just gonna come over today"

"We're doin good honey.... hows everyhing going with you?"

"Oh great.... Rich and I have been workin with Desmond Child for writing the new songs.... just hope it comes together okay"

"I'm sure it will honey"

"So uhhmm... What did you want anyhow?"

"Welll you'll be goin to Canada in a week so.... we wanted you and Rosie to stay over for the weekend.... we really want to get to know Rosie more sweetie"

"Yeah sure... that sounds great.... I'll ask her... see what she says"

"Alright well..... Spaghetti and Meatballs for dinner"

"Ahhh man.... Ma you get me"

"I know"

"Listen uhh.... I better go now.... I'll see ya shortly okay? bye"

"Bye son"

I place the phone back in the holder and turn to face Rosie who is waiting patiently to see what my mom said. "It was my mom" She sweetly smiles up at me, remaining silent, sensing more to come. "She asked us to stay the weekend.... seeing as I'm leavin next week..... they wanna get to know you more...... so what do ya say?" She closes the gap between us, hooking her arms at the back of my neck "I'd love to.... I wanna get to know them too". "You wanna go pack a small bag babe?" softly caressing her arms "I'm just gonna quickly go in the shower". She walks round me and flicks the shower on, turning her back to me. I take my opportunity and spank her on the ass, forcing her to yelp out and stumble forward a few steps "Mmmm... Love that!". "L---Love what?" Stuttering out her words nervously, her cheeks flushing pink. "Your body..... so perfect.... so sexy" My hungry eyes scanning every inch of her lusciously curvy figure. She bursts into a fit of giggles while pushing me towards the door "Let me shower Jon!!". 

I trudge my way through to the bedroom, stripping out of my pyjamas and swinging open my wardrobe. I pull out a pair of sweatpants, shirt and trainers, seeing as I'm at home, I usually just wear sweatpants every day. I huff out a sigh of frustration when I see my stiff length standing to a attention. We still haven't had sex yet so I've been getting hard so easily, not that I didn't before but even more so now. I slide on my sweatpants which now have an evident bulge from my pulsating vein. She can usually tell straight away when I'm hard which makes it even harder to resist the growing urge. 

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