Make a wish

193 4 0

June 2nd 1987 / Illinois

Rosie's POV

"BABE!! CAN YOU COME HERE FOR A MINUTE!!" His husky voice echoes through the hotel room "Coming". I hesitantly shuffle out the bathroom, nervously fidgeting with my hands, wondering what on earth he could possibly want. He hasn't mentioned the fact that It's my birthday all day which does hurt but I'm certainly not going to bring it up, I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason for it. "Yeah baby?" A delicate smile gracing my lips "Come here babe" Holding his hand out for me to take. I slide my hand into his and allow him to guide me around the room "Close your eyes" My brows ruffle together with confusion but I remain silent and close my eyes. 

I hear a lot of rustling as if he's carrying some sort of bag "Keep em closed until I say". A couple of minutes later, the rustling has finally stopped but my curiosity is killing me, I want to know what's going on, why is he being so secretive "Okay open them". My eyes slowly creep open, widening with shock and surprise when I see a beautiful slinky black dress with gold detailing down the sides and of course It's deep plunge. There's also a pair of gold heels and a beautiful necklace. I inch closer to scan each item and everything looks really expensive, it must have cost him a bomb "oh my god.... so beautiful" My hand clutching my thumping heart. "You like it..... really?" He sounds so unsure, as if he thinks he's made a bad choice "Of course I do..... but.... I don't understand... what's it for?". I'm trying my best to make it sound like I have no idea what day it is. "Well.... I just wanted to get you somethin nice babe.... and we're all goin out tonight... gonna have fun" I can hardly contain my excitement, my eyes are so wide, they're nearly popping out "Ohh!! where are we going?". "Oh just the usual babe... go to a bar" I know he's lying because his eyes have a tell when he lies, but should I call him out on it or go along with it. "Oh right..... sounds..... fun" Trying my best to look a little disappointed. "I was hopin you'd wear this tonight" I bite down hard on my lip in an attempt to hide my excitement "Of course I will..... thankyou baby, I love it" Pulling him in for a sensual, loving kiss. 

The hours tick by and It's now 5pm and he's asked me to start getting dressed, so I started off with my hair, curling it and winding it up into a messy bun. I slide the tight slinky mini dress up my body, pulling the thin straps onto my shoulders. Before putting my shoes and jewellery on, I quickly put my makeup on, brushing a layer of foundation on my face along with eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick. 

"Babe... you ready?" His shouts muffle through the bathroom door, prompting me to inhale a deep breath of air as I give myself a once over in the mirror. My clammy hand tugs at the handle, slowly pushing the door open. My jaw unhinges and drops on the floor when I see him standing there with his favourite black jacket, his best tight fitting jeans, boots and a button down shirt, he looks very spruced up for just going to the bar I have to say. He scans me up and down a few times, his mouth agape "Beautiful.... so beautiful".  My cheeks glow bright pink, feeling slightly embarrassed "You're very dapper". "There's one last thing I got you" My brows knit together yet again, wondering what it could be "What is it?". My heart flutters and stomach tumbles like a weed when he pulls out a lengthy black velvet shawl with a gold pattern on it "Jonny!!". I scurry over to him, gently grabbing hold of the soft shawl "oh my god.... you shouldn't have". A Cheshire cat grin stretches across my face as I drape it around my shoulders, letting it dangle over my arms. I burst into giggles and coo at the velvet material, leaping into his arms with excitement "I love it.... thankyou". "So I did good?" Raising his brows in anticipation "Oh yeah.... you are so getting boned tonight" He elicits a husky groan as he leans in for a soft kiss. 

My eyes turn inward when I set my sighs on the long shiny black limo pull up outside the hotel "Jon this is all very snazzy just to go to the bar?". My head whips round when I hear Alec snicker as if he knows something I don't. Richie abruptly elbows him in the stomach and earns glares from the rest "What's going on?". Jon lets out a frustrated sigh, rolling his eyes at Alec's stupidity "Nothing babe... I promise.... just wanna treat my girl". A sweet giggle bursts from my lips, cooing and sighing under his warmth across my cheek "Hmm... alright baby". 

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