The last stand

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28th December 2015 New Jersey 

4 days before the ball

Rosie's POV 

Dancing round the living room to the blaring of Elle King-- Ex's and Oh's echoing through the house, wearing nothing but booty shorts and a crop top

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Dancing round the living room to the blaring of Elle King-- Ex's and Oh's echoing through the house, wearing nothing but booty shorts and a crop top. I have the house to myself while The band are in town and I figured while they're out, I'll have some fun. I've been jumping all over the sofas, rolling on the floor, darting up and down the stairs like a complete maniac while dancing to the music. After a couple of days of being completely smothered by the band, they finally left me alone, so naturally I'm going a little crazy with my new found freedom. There's a lot of dance music blasting through this house, which I don't usually listen to but it's quite catchy and good to dance to. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOIN ON!!!" The familiar husky tones yelling from behind me. My head whips round so fast I nearly give myself whiplash. I see Jon and the whole band standing there, Jon looking rather agitated. 

The all scurried into the living room, turning the music off and sitting me down. After a couple of minutes of listening to him yelling, I sort of just drowned it all out, not even bothering to lift my head to look at him. A feeling of anger shot through my body causing me to clench my fists. Who was he to come in here and yell at me for having a good time, I'm a grown woman who can make my own decisions. I jolted out of my seat "Who are you to tell me off Jon" Yelling out my words like fire whilst giving him a glare that could kill. "Well it is my house Rosie...." Shouting right back at me. "You guys smother me for days and now I finally get a moment to myself, I finally have some fun after months of drowning in depression and you come storming in here, giving me a bollocking? I don't think so" Shaking my head swiftly while crossing my arms, ready to disarm anything he throws my way. "You need to grow up!!" That was it, he had completely pissed me off. A low growl slipped from my lips and before I could stop myself, my hand swung out and slapped him across the face, leaving him clutching his cheek in utter shock. I feel bad but I also feel so pissed off so before he even has a chance to utter a word, I sprint out the house, running down towards my favourite spot by the water. 

At least 20 minutes later, I heard the pitter patter of foot steps behind me, gradually getting louder. I didn't turn round to look at who it was, fearing it was Jon to give me a piece of his mind. He came right over, sitting down next to me with a deep sigh "I'm sorry" Jon's husky voice tickling my ear. I remained silent seeing as I still feel rather pissed off "I didn't mean to get angry or yell at you.... I'm not usually an angry kinda guy". "Don't blame me for you getting angry" Spitting out my words like venom. "I'm not your wife... I'm not your girlfriend.... I'm not one of your kids or your employees.... I'm a single woman who can make her own decisions.... So if I want to have some fun... I'm fuckin gonna have some fun" Giving him a glare before looking back onto the peaceful water. "I know that Rosie and I'm not blaming you" ... "But why didn't you just tell us you wanted to be alone... instead of letting us think we were helping" He sounded a little hurt over what I had said. "At first, you were helping... you all were but I don't want to spend every single minute of my life with you... I thought you of all people would understand that" A deep sigh slips from his lips. "I do understand that.... We were only doin it because we thought that's what you wanted or we would have left you alone" Giggling quietly as he tails off. My body softened slightly, giving him a faint smile "Am I forgiven?" His words bringing a bigger smile to my lips "As long as I'm forgiven". A quiet laugh escapes his mouth as he lifts his hand to caress my cheek "Always". He pulls me in for a quick hug, quickly easing the tension with his touch. "I'm looking forward to hearing your songs at the ball.... What are you singing anyhow?" A curious expression on his face. "It's a surprise, I'm not telling you and don't even think of asking Dave because I've sworn him to secrecy" Pointing right at him with my finger. "Alright Alright... I won't" Holding his hands up defence, snickering as he trails off. We sat for a while, just watching the still water glowing orange from the sunset. 

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